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My heart isn't whole anymore
It is in pieces, million tiny pieces
It is broken
It is torn
It is ruined

By someone from the past.

The impacts still exist
I became closed
I became distant
I became silent
I became wary

I like being alone
I pissed off easily
I keep secrets
I push people away
I don't trust people
I'm turning into a negative person

I don't recognize myself
This isn't me
This isn't who I used to be
When I look in the mirror,
I see someone else staring back at me
She is flickering, like she's barely there
She looks hollow
She looks dull
She looks empty
And I don't know her

It's been years since it happened
but I'm not recovered yet,
I still don't know how to fix it

How to fix me.

I need help,
but I don't trust people enough.
I'm too afraid,
I'm afraid they will do what he did.
So I need to figure it out myself
but I don't know how.

I'm clueless,
and I don't know for how long.

It could be for a minute or forever.


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