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I'm a bird
Flew high up
Spread my wings
Got sun-kissed
Pushed through the clouds
In the bright blue sky

I loved to fly by myself
Done that since I could fly
Took a deep breath
Felt the fresh air fill my lungs
Closed my eyes
Heard the sound of the wind
Calmed my knotty mind

For the first time ever
Another bird joined me
Lighted up my surrounding
Gave me extra wing
Then be my partner in wandering

We were the birds
The ones everyone talked about
The ones everyone envied
The ones everyone wanted to be

We were so careless and free
Flew around to escape reality
Be together and felt happy
Looked at each other and promised loyalty

That bird is gone
Leaving me alone
And in fear of flying
Because whenever I fly
All I see is dark clouds and lightning
All I hear is thunder rumbling
All I feel is rain pouring

Leaving me a wet mess of feather
In the dark gray sky.


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