The Moth and The Flame

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It's a well-known fact
That moths are drawn to flames
Like how I drawn to you
The second I see your light

I'm the moth
Small and confused
Wandering around
Searching for a light
Until I find you

You, the flame
Burn so beautifully bright
Lure me in
Intoxicate me
Enveloped me in your warm hug

I hold on to you
Grip you tighter
But you shine brighter
You burn hotter
Break my wings faster
Creating smoke in the air

You realize you're hurting me
So you release me
Expecting me to let go and fly away
Leaving you behind
For my own good

But I can't
The damage is done
My wings are broken
I'm unable to fly again
So I fall
Letting the dark embrace me

Despite my misery, I smile
Because I bring with me your smoke
And you have pieces of my wings
Knowing this is the most we can have of each other

And that's enough for me.


Her Side Of The StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon