Chapter Seven- Rick O'Connell

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Hey I'm back with another chapter and it's got a little bit of excitement and action. I hope you enjoy it.


Giza Port

Evy asked us both as we stood in the hot sun waiting by the boat for the man whose name was Rick O'Connell, "Do you really think he's going to show up?"

Johnathan said trying to reassure us, "Yes, undoubtedly, knowing my luck. He may be a cowboy, but I know the breed. His word is his word."

Evy said sounding disgusted as I glanced around at the bustling crowd, "Well, personally I think he's filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel. I don't like him one bit."

A man in a suit appeared next to us saying, "Anyone I know?"

It was Mr O'Connell and Evy was taken aback and clearly embarrassed seeing that he actually looked handsome all cleaned up and shaven. She stuttered nervously, "U-Um, hello."

Johnathan says clapping him on the chest, "Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh, O'Connell?"

O'Connell checks that he still has his wallet saying unconvinced, "Yeah. Yeah, smashing."

Johnathan said trying to appear trustworthy seeing the action, "Oh, no, no, I'd never steal from a partner... partner."

O'Connell says making a punching gesture, "That reminds me. No hard feelings about the..."

Johnathan understood and said reassuringly obviously afraid of the man, "Oh, no, no. Happens all the time."

I snorted and said, "Unfortunately, that's true, Jon."

O'Connell gave me a small smirk and said, "Nice knife skills. Thanks, by the way, another second and I would've been dead."

I shrug clasping my hands together, "Think nothing of it, I am glad to have saved a life."

Evy turned to Rick and asked him, " Mr O'Connell. Can you look me in the eye and guarantee me this isn't some kind of a flim-flam? Because if it is, I am warning you..."

O'Connell cut her off and said, "You're warning me? Lady, let me put it this way: My whole damn garrison believed in this so much... that without orders, they marched halfway across Libya and into Egypt to find that city. And when we got there, all we found was sand and blood."

His words reassured me that he was the only survivor and had seen nothing suspicious. He made move to pick up our bags and said, "Let me get your bags."

I stopped him from grabbing mine and I said, "I'll get my own thanks, it's got valuables."

After he left Johnathan said smirking, "Yes, yes, you're right. Filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel. Nothing to like there at all."

Evy gave him a small smile of 'Oh you smart ass.' Then we heard a familiar voice belonging to the warden say, "Right good morning to all."

I said getting annoyed, "Oh, no. What are you doing here?"

He replied going onto the boat, "I'm here to protect my investment, thank you very much."

On the boat-

I was wandering around the boat and as I turned a corner I ran into someone. Their hands steadied me and as I looked up I saw it was O'Connell who said, "Whoa sorry there... um is it Kiya?"

I said smiling and nodding my head to confirm it, "Yes, it is. But call me Ki or Kiya if you want."

He nodded then asked, "Hey where'd you learn to throw a knife like that."

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