Chapter Four- Feelings deepen

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Sorry for not posting for a while, I had exams and I made myself promise to study instead of writing my story. Anyway here is the next chapter I hope you enjoy it, and please tell me what you think and what you would like in the story/next chapter.


Another few months passed and their relationship deepened, as did their love for each other, but Ardeth did not forget what the prophecy said about her disappearing. The thought of this made him want to spend more time with her, and to treasure the memory of those days they spent together. It soon came time for both their tattoo ceremonies that marked their way to their duty. By then the Elders and Ardeth's father knew about their relationship and knew where it would go.

Ardeth received his tattoos first, he had two identical tattoos of Arabic on each cheek, hieroglyphics on his forehead that symbolised protector of Hamunaptra. He got more on his body including the ones on the top of his hands. When he came back from his branding Kiya stared at him and wondered what type she would get.

He pulled her into his arms and spoke reassuring words to her but all she did was trace the tattoos on his face and stare into his eyes. He escorted her to the branding tent and then sat near where they would brand her. He heard of some people crying in pain or wincing or having a terrible frown upon their face, even the strongest warriors did those things. It hurt for him but he did not cry out in pain he held it all in. As the brander started to tattoo her shoulders with the same symbols that Ardeth had on his cheeks, he did not see her show any pain she, in fact, looked calm and relaxed. The symbols on her shoulders represented that she was connected to Ardeth, then they tattooed the same hieroglyphics on Ardeth's forehead onto the lower part of the back of her neck. Finally, two more tattoos on the top of her hands that all Medjai's got. Ardeth was then asked to leave while they tattooed the other Medjai tattoos on her body like him.

When she emerged he looked at the tattoos and ran his thumb over her hand tattoos and then he whispered in her ear, "Now it is official."

And then they went off together to the special dinner in honour of them.

Another few months past and Kiya knew her time of separation from Ardeth was drawing near but did not wish to tell him yet, for she knew he would try to stop it. Kiya knew no one could stop fate by the hand of the gods. She knew how long she would have to wait until she would see him again, and wished it would not be so long. But it had to be that way and she couldn't change it.

One day the first elder told Kiya and Ardeth's family that she would be going to visit her father with a few warriors and no Ardeth the next day. Kiya knew it was time to leave for the next part of the prophecy and Ardeth sensed it.

That night Kiya heard someone come into her tent at the dead of night, so she slipped her hand under her pillow and grasped the dagger Ardeth gave her. She saw the form come closer and when it came, right next to her she pulled the dagger out and tried to slit the person's throat.

But the person grabbed her wrist in time and held it in a firm hold, and then she heard Ardeth say, "Kiya, it's me. Ardeth."

She slackened and he let go of her and she put the dagger down. She motioned him to come closer and sit on her bed next to her. Ardeth said abruptly, "I have a bad feeling about you leaving, Kiya."

She knew now was the time to tell him so she started, "Ardeth, you are sensing right."

Kiya hesitated but continued the heart-wrenching answer, "The prophecy will take place and I will disappear. I have been prepared for it."

Ardeth listened to this and asked her, "But how long will we be apart?"

She said sadly looking at her hands feeling terrible, "Years, but even I do not know."

He looked unhappy at that and then said to reassure her, "I will wait for you as long as it takes, I will never love another. I will wait, I promise."

She was grateful for his loyalty, she fell into his arms, and they held each other for a long time. When she finally fell asleep, he slipped out and went back to his tent to sleep. In the morning, Kiya got ready and met Ardeth and his family outside where the camels were. She hugged his mother goodbye and his father and then hugged and kissed Ardeth goodbye before she mounted on her camel.

She made a sign and said to them knowingly, "I will be back again... I promise."

Her small group rode into the desert where a sandstorm was brewing. As they rode into the desert storm, it was too hard to see anything and then suddenly bandits appeared and attacked them. One warrior yelled out to her, "Kiya, run! While you still can."

She nodded and he made a protection blessing to her then continued to fight. She rode her camel away from there but did not know where she was and soon the sun was sinking below the horizon. She soon found a place to camp for the night, got a blanket, and curled up exhausted from the day's events. In the morning, she found her camel had run away but she still had water, some food and the dagger Ardeth gave her when they first met. She clutched it to her and told herself she would treasure it forever and never forget him. After a while, she fell asleep again but was awoken when a man and a woman were shaking her awake asking her if she was alright.

She sat up and saw that the woman was Egyptian and the man was English. The woman asked with a worried expression, "Where is your family, my dear?"

This is what Kiya was taught to do, and that was to pretend she couldn't remember anything, "I don't know, I can't remember anything."

The man and woman both shared a sympathetic look but she asked, "Do you know your name?"

Kiya pretends to think before answering, "Kiya."

The couple shares a look and then whispered together, finally, the man spoke, "We shall take care of you, Kiya. We promise."

The woman spoke up saying softly helping Kiya stand, "My name is Miriam Carnahan, and this is my husband Howard Carnahan."

And after that, she went to live with them for the next 8 years of her life.

But back at the medjai camp Ardeth had word that Kiya's travelling group had been attacked and Kiya had just vanished into thin air, and there was no trace of where she went. He was filled with worry but then thought of the prophecy, he figured that she had run away and hoped she had found a safe place. But for now he had a duty to do and now all he had to do was wait for her return.


I hope you liked that and do tell me what you think and what you would like in the story. I will try to update soon. Okay bye

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