Chapter One- The Prophecy

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1918 - Egyptian Desert

Ardeth made his way to the Elders tent where he was summoned by his father earlier to discuss a matter of great importance, to which the 16-year-old Ardeth did not know. He pushed back the tent flap and bowed his head to the elders as he stepped into the shade of the tent away from the harsh Egyptian sun. He took a seat in front of the elders and his father, the chieftain of the twelve tribes of the Medjai. The 12 tribes of the Medjai were descendants of the pharaoh's bodyguards (the Medjai) until they had to guard Hamunaptra etc. Ardeth was next in line to take over the role of the chieftain of the twelve tribes when his father died or when his father thought the time would be right.

When he had settled down on a cushion the Elders addressed him. The first elder spoke, "Ardeth, we have word that the twelfth tribes head has sent his only daughter Princess Kiya, Descendent of Princess Tia daughter of Seti 1st, to live here and learn more about the creature we guard, and to learn combat to defend herself."

(Only the 12th tribe has a princess and 1st tribe chief) 

Ardeth's father addressed him again, "Ardeth, it has been foreseen that she will help destroy the creature, we will help train her and you must watch over her... My boy, it has been foretold that you will help guard her and help destroy the creature."

The first Elder addressed him again as Ardeth began to comprehend it, "But unfortunately only I was told the full prophecy and also the princess, no one else except her and myself. She also is keeping it to herself because that is what she has been instructed to do by the gods. She is not allowed to tell anyone about the rest of the prophecy unless she feels the need to tell that person."

His father said to him, "And that person will be you, Ardeth, my son."

The first Elder said to him again as Ardeth was beginning to get confused, "But this prophecy will take years to fulfil, from what I have seen it will take many years, but I must not tell you any more, you must find out for yourself in time."

Ardeth was quiet and he understood his instructions like a soldier should. He nodded his head in agreement but asked, "So I must watch over the Princess and guard her with my life so no harm will come to her?"

"Yes, but for a period of time you will not be able to watch over her, but she will be safe and then you will be re-joined with her and fulfil your destiny." The Elder said solemnly and his eyes hid something, information. The first elder glanced around at the group before them and asked all the other elders to leave Ardeth and himself alone. Once everyone left the Elder turned to him with a serious expression, "I think that I should tell you this in case you are not sure you are allowed to, but your destinies will be intertwined. I am not saying you will... be together. But fate is in your hands, not mine, it is your choice."

Ardeth swallowed loudly understanding the seriousness, nodding his head. He stood up to leave, hurried out of there quickly, and walked over to his tent to think about the situation. When he walked into his tent that he had all to himself since he turned 14, he decided to rest as it was hot, and think about what he had just been told.

He wondered if the princess what beautiful or not and if she was any good with a scimitar, if not he would teach her to defend herself. She would have to have the tattoos of a Medjai warrior Princess, which has only happened only a few times in the past 3000 years, even when Seti the 1st was alive. However, that was another story for later. 

Ardeth's father called his name from outside his tent and asked if he could come in, which Ardeth said he could. He came with news bearing that the Princess would arrive in two days' time, in which Ardeth had to help set up her tent.

They filled it with home comforts and women brought robes and fabrics. They set up her bed with soft pillows and blankets to keep her warm on the cold nights, and they filled the chests with other things that she would need. Last of all Ardeth filled one chest with Medjai warrior robes for her and he filled another with weapons, a special touch of his.

All he had to do now was wait for her arrival, which he was not good at. He distracted himself with the practice of his sword work and hand-in-hand combat with one of his fellow warrior friends. Later he sat on a rock and he finished etching carvings into the dagger he was making. As he blew off the metal shavings it glinted in the afternoon sun, appearing as if it were signalling like a beacon. 

Ardeth held it up and admired his work, the best he'd ever done. He slipped it into his belt and stood up and retreated back to the camp.

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