Chapter twenty four

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**** Bear put a foot forward and stopped, nearly stepped on something. He felt his grandfather speaking to him as in times of great need.

'Pick it up little Bear, this is a piece of your woman. Take it with you.'

Heading his grandfather's voice Bear picked up the delicate tear drop earring. It a beautiful handmade earring of fine wire woven together in the shape of a teardrop. Inside the teardrop with various stones similar to those found on Wolf Mountain. He didn't remember Gwyn having worn any like this, but it had her energy to it. He'd look more closely at it later. Not wanting to risk losing it and needing to feel a piece of Gwyn he put the wire through his own ear, glad now, that he had kept the piercings for ceremonial purposes.

"Found 'em." Came a whisper, along with the location. They all began to creep silently to the area.

"Good job, move in easy." The Sheriff ordered softly.

They heard the engine before the suv appeared. Bates was moving slowly, hoping it would draw less attention. The vehicle stopped when Sheriff Koni stepped in front of it, flanked by a stone faced Bear and two other deputies, all armed to the teeth. Seeing movement to the side, Bates moved his eyes only and saw a deputy on the left, right and behind the vehicle. He was surrounded and that hulking heathen couldn't wait to put his hands around Conner's neck and squeeze.

His first impulse was to plow right through them, but the others might fill his side of the suv with lead. Beside him, Gwyn began to stir and fumble with the restraints.

"What's goin' on? Where am I?" She tried to sit up and when the restraints held she began to fight.

"Aaah, there my love. You're awake. I do hope you enjoyed our little interlude."

"In..inter...interluuude." She was fighting the drug, struggling to overcome its effects and clear her head to understand what he was saying.

"What, what interlude?" Her head was becoming more clear all the time.

" are out of your mind.  Let me out of here!"

"In time my love, in time." He smiled at her and would have caressed her cheek but had to yank his fingers back when she bit at him.

"You little..." he looked at the bite marks on his hand. He would have backhanded her but thought better of it.

From his superior height, Bear could see Gwyn's struggle. He grinned when she bit him and had to fight to not rush the suv when the madman drew his hand back to hit her.

"Easy Bear, we have to do this by the book." Sheriff Koni said softly.

"Turn off the vehicle and put your hands on the steering wheel." She ordered, pointing her glock at their prisoner.

Bear took a breath for control. "Hold on little one, just a bit longer." He whispered to her, even though he knew she couldn't hear him. Odd, her efforts eased and she appeared to calm down.

"Bear," she whispered. She could have sworn she had heard his voice whispering to her, his fingers brushing her cheek and smoothing her hair back. She could actually feel his presence, his protection.

"No!" The madman yelled, looking directly at the big man. "You will not have her! She's mine, she belongs to me, to do with as I please."

Bear stepped forward, shaking his head. "No, you are wrong. She belongs with me," he pointed to his chest. "Her heart is mine, it beats with love for me as mine does for her. Let her come to me. If you truly love her you will let her go, you will let her be happy."

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