Chapter Five

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**** "You're....askin' me out...."she studied him. "On a date?"

"Don't look at me like that." Bear thought she looked like a stunned cat.

"I can't be yer girlfriend, as ya so eloquently put it. You're my client, it wouldn't be ethical."

Bear nodded, "I thought you'd say that, and it just so happens, that I have the perfect solution." He said looking so proud of himself.

Gwyn lifted a brow and gave him a heart stopping smile. "De perfect solution? Pray tell, what might dat be oh wise one."

"I'll fire you." He answered, folded his arms across his massive chest and leaned back, easing the weight on his leg.

She stared at him in stunned silence.

"Fire me! Dis is your great plan?! But, I ha'en't done anyt'in' wrong! Wit' my help, you've gained so much strength an' balance. Do you realize what dat would look like on my resume? It spells Failure!" Gwyn was shocked. One minute dey had been talking and laughing over their food and drink and then....

"No baby, you haven't failed at all! Rowdy says I've progressed and improved more than he thought possible. I can handle my house, my cooking and my home workouts myself. You told me when you first started that you were here to work yourself out of a job. Gwyn, you'll still be workin' for Rowdy and Trisha, just with other clients. You'll still be the ranch CNA, just not as my personal CNA. You are a total and complete success. You gave me back my life and took my heart in the process."

He placed his hand over his heart and bowed dramatically.

'Why do I get the feelin' this was a bad idea?'

She stood and glared at him. "Let me tell ya somethin' Monsieur je suis si intelligent! De real world doesn't work like dat!"
(Mister I'm so smart!)

She waved her hands around as she paced. "You can't jus' ask me out an' den threaten ta fire me 'cause I refused. Ce est la façon dont un enfant serait agir!"
(That's de way a child would act!)

"I hate it when you rant in French. If I'm gonna be cussed out, I'd like to at least understand what I'm bein' called!"

She rounded on him. "Cajun - I speak Cajun French! Dere are similarities between de two, but dey are two totally different languages!" She snapped.

No man could make her lose her temper so quickly. Well no, that's not quite right, Nico could, but that didn't count. He was her brother. Bear was, well....Bear. Big. Brawny. Beautiful....wait! She was losing focus.

Bear knew just how to shut her up, but as upset as she was, he didn't know how she would react to it. When her pacing brought her within arms reach, he wrapped his hand around her wrist and gave her his best mischievous smile.

With one tug she was in his arms and his lips were firmly planted on hers.

Heat washed over Gwyn. His lips were warm, and the lightning that ran between them was breath taking. When he pulled back she noticed that he too, was fighting for breath. Then he smiled, ran his fingers lovingly down her cheek and she was lost.

"Well....if it doesn't affect ma resume, I....guess....I could handle....bein' fired," She whispered against his mouth.

Bear chuckled and kissed her once again and they were both lost in each other's arms.


At the top of the Falls, a Peeping Tom watched as the couple talked, looked into each other's eyes and shared loving kisses. His hands rounded into fists as the white hot anger and jealously ran through him. He picked up a stick and hit a flower bush, tearing it to shreds. He threw rocks at a curious squirrel, chasing it up a tree.

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