Chapter Seventeen

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**** After being assured the copter would not spin like a top while taking off, Aunt Zinnie kept Beau and Rowdy busy answering questions. She asked about the helo, having only flown in planes. She questioned them about the ranch, gardens and local wildlife. She checked her tarot cards several times as well as a notebook from her bag.

It didn't take Beau and Rowdy long however, to figure out that the swamp woman routine was greatly exaggerated. They both began asking very casual questions regarding her life as a healer in the swamp and encouraged her to expand on her family, education and experiences.

"I'm curious, ma'am," Beau said quietly after being told about her extensive education and experience. The men understood now. When the other passengers were other occupied, Beau opened the subject. "I am ashamed to admit that I was half expecting a wizened little ole lady with a gator tooth necklace, shrunkin' skull and a cackle to climb aboard. I apologize, I don't usually jump to conclusions so quickly."

"Yeah, the bayou lady front makes for a very colorful character," Rowdy finished smiling and nodding. "I'm willing to bet that a personna like that allows you to work with some of the older, perhaps a bit more backward or less educated people. The ones who have little communication with the outside world."

Beau added, "It sounds like you have become quite adept at blending the new with the tried and true methods. And the swamp woman cover helps make the older people who remain deep in the swamp more comfortable ao they can ask for and accept help. And....the rest is....for show?"

At first she just stared at them. Then she pursed her lips, took a deep breath glanced back at her niece and nephew and asked "Which one of them told you?"

"Neither," Beau chuckled. "I figured it all on my own. I remembered seeing a video of Genny's not long after she and Nico became an item. It was filmed at one of the big universities in Louisiana and covered many of the herbs and medicinal plants and their uses. A Dr Zinnie PhD was one of the primary guest speakers. The class was interesting and the information easy to listen to. The students ate it up and Genny was really into it and wanted to take one of your online courses.

Anyway, occasionally my grandpa and dad would cut lose with a greener than grass cowboy routine. It was usually for one of two reasons and I'm betting it's the same for you."

She raised her eyebrows and waited.

"One, was when he was around people who really were greener than grass an' was trying to make sure they understood what was going on. They made it a practice to talk to people at a level they could comprehend and still be comfortable. Lots of people from grandpa's generation didn't have the advantage of an education and learning possibilities. It was important to him to pass on information to anyone who needed an' wanted it. The other, was when they were up against a holier than thou city slicker that needed to be taken down a peg or two. They'd pull out the hay seed cowboy with the best of them and then slap 'em in the face with the fully educated information."

"Well," she said, wondering whether it was worth arguing about. "Dat's pretty close. Dere are still many people, usually older, living deep in de swamp dat just can't accept modern help. Dere is still a lot o' superstitution an' old beliefs dat have no room fo' modern medicine or personal assistance. Unless ya can walk among dem, make dem comfortable - you can't help."

Both men nodded their understanding.

"Den dere are de hoity toity, 'I'm so much betta dan you' individuals dat need ta be immersed in feir bigotry before de rug is pulled out from unda dem. Aaand, sometimes I just enjoy messing with de kids, I don't want dem ta forget deir roots, dere dey come from." She added grinning, "plus ya get so used ta de speech patterns dat it becomes second nature. Not speaking like I jus' crawled outa de swamp takes a conscious effort dat I don't always want ta take de time ta utilize."

"Well, isn't dat interesting?" Gwyn said, grinning from behind her aunt. "I didn't t'ink you'd eva admit dat ta anyone." She said chuckling. "It's made for lots o' fun an' educational conversations. I've learned a lot watchin' you."

"Den I guess I've done my job," the older lady said. Conversation stopped when Rowdy made contact with the hospital and requested that Genny and her Obstitrician be advised of Nico's imminent arrival.

Beau spoke to everyone via the earphones, "Everyone can leave their belonging on the copter. Rowdy and I will be heading back to the ranch later. We'll take the luggage to the ranch and put it in Bear's house. Throughout the day there will be plenty of family and ranch vehicles here for when any of you want to go home."

Nico was first out of the copter and ran inside almost knocking the wsiting nurse over.

"This way Agent, your wife is waiting for you. We're glad you're here, I think your presence will be a great comfort to her. She's upset and it's making it difficult to keep her blood pressure down."

Nico wasn't sure what he was expecting but seeing his brave little Genny's tear streaked face shook him. He took her in his arms and crooned soothingly. "I'm here, bébé. I'm here."

She hugged his neck so tight he almost couldn't breath. "I didn't do anything wrong." She wailed, "I was taking it easy like the Dr water broke and the pains just started!" She collasped against him crying.

"I swear I didn't do anything wrong." She cried into his shoulder.

"I know sweetheart, it's gonna be ok. Dese t'ings happen sometimes." He glanced up when the Obstitrician entered the room.

"Good to see you again, Nicodemus. I'm glad you're here and I know our girl is as well." She smiled.

"Wha's goin' on, Doc? Wha' can you tell us?"

"Well, first and formost," she looked at Genny and grasped her shoulder gently. "You did not do anything wrong. Sometimes these situations just happen. Little mama here probably hasn't had the chance to tell you that we did an amniocentesis a little while ago and while the babies are small and early, everything looks good. Their lungs are developed and in situations such as this, that is a major concern. We'll want to keep them here a bit, monitor them closely and make sure Genny gets the help and rest she needs, but I am anticipating no problems."

They both breathed a sigh of relief. "Right now, I'd like to do another sonogram and take another look see, their heart rates have been a little less stable than I"d like. I'm sure Daddy that you'd like to be present for that and take a look at your babies."

"You just try ta drag me away," he said quietly kissing his wife's hand.

"That's what I thought. We have noticed that there are times when at least one if the fetuses seems less active and if that continues to be the case I think it best to do a C-section. We've discussed this possibility before so it isn't a surprise. When the water breaks a serious countdown begins. If birth does not occur within 24 hours infection can set in which endangers the lives of mother and child or in this case, children."

Nico nodded, looking at his frightened wife, "Whateva it takes ta make ma fam'ly safe, doc, I want it done." He waited a moment then asked, "Is it possible dat de molestation she suffered as a child had anythin' ta do wit' dis?"

"It could have played a part, yes. There was some internal damage and scar tissue, but I have no reason to believe that with the proper neonatal care, all will be well."

The doctor looked around as the nurse beought a portable sonogram machine into the room. "Now. Let's get that sonogram, shall we?"

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