Chapter Thirteen

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**** Gwyn's relief was short lived.

"Oh my gosh! I'm not losin' my mind, I know fo' sure now!"

She sat down and wiped tears of happiness and relief.

"Wait a minute!" She began fuming.

'Here it comes.' Nico rolled his eyes.

He had been hoping she wouldn't take the next logical step - at least - not so soon. He slapped Bear on the shoulder and grinned.

"Now, you be findin' out whut it means ta be wit' a li'le wild cat. She's all yours now."

Somewhat confused, Bear looked at Nico until Gwyn shot up and began pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

"Why would someone want ta play wit' my head like dat? Make me feel like I lost my mind an' ta misuse an animal like dat?"

"Is dat a rhetorical question?" He brother asked, tongue in cheek oooor do you really want an ansa?"

He hid a smile and put his hands up in self defence.

They all heard a soft murmuring.

"What is that?" Bear asked as he looked around. He followed the sound till it led him to a corner in the living room. The big man watched Zinny for a minute, wondering what she was doing.

His logical choice was that she was offering a prayer of thanks that they had found proof of Gwyn's mental health....until she waved something in the air, rattled something and began putting various things in a small cloth bag.

He felt cold and hurried to the kitchen. They were surprised at the shock on his face.

"You two need ta get in here. Zinny is doin'....I don't know what she's doin' but it can't be kosher.

The three rushed back to find Zinny putting a number of things in her large bag.

Nico sniffed the air and looked at his aunt with concern.

"Wha' did ya jus' do, Zinny? Tell me you did not jus' fo' wha' I t'ink you jus' did."

Gwyn tried to look in the little bag but Zinny grabbed it away.

"Get away from dat, cher! Dat magic is not meant fo' you!"

"Did you jus' curse dos people wha' been botherin' Gwyn?" Nico asked.

"Aunt Zinny, we will get deese guys on our own, wit'out your help."

She glared at him and hid the bag behind her back when Nico reached for it.

"Dey deserve it fo' pullin' dis on my Gwynie. Dey will not get away wit' hurtin' my bébé."

"No, ma'am. They will not. I promise you they will not, you have my word of honor we will catch these poor excuses of men and they will suffer."

Bear said quietly as he placed a chair in front of her and sat down. He looked her directly in the eyes.

"No one is going to frighten or hurt my lady and get away with it. I hope with everything I am that I get five minutes alone with them before they're turned over to law enforcement."

He bent closer to her and whispered to her.

"They'll wish they never started this." With that, he held his hand out for the bag.

"Ya promise?"

He held his right hand up, palm facing the older woman, then placed it over his heart.

"I give you my solemn word."

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