Chapter Fourteen

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**** "This is the right time." José said to Ramone as he paced around the room.

"They're goin' gator huntimg tomorrow, can you believe it? They actually think they can catch an alligator. And I heard that crazy swamp witch say she wants to show Gwyn some voodoo swamp plants or some such nonsense."

Both men scoffed at Zinny's beliefs. Then sat down and formulated a plan as Josè rubbed his hands together. Needing to work off some excess energy he went outside and walked around the yard. He looked at the white wolf and shivered when she bared her teeth.

"So we're really gonna turn the whacko turn lose on her." Ramone reiterated as he smacked another mosquito and sprayed himself down with repellent. He couldn't wait to be done so they could get out of the swamp. He looked like he had the chicken pox from so many bites.

"We'll mention the girl'd name now and then, say we've see her makin' out with that injun and  know he's been spendin' a lotta time in her room...that'll get him all worked up. We'll take him out for a walk and just happen to end up around the house."

Ramone grinned, "Oh yeah, by then he's gonna be primed but good."

"While the men are busy puttin' the boat away we'll let Greg get lose...."

"When he sees her....." Ramone finished grinning, "ee'll come up with an excuse to be busy an' he won't be able to help himself....Yeah!"

He liked the idea. The FBI agent and the big boyfriend would be so busy apprehending Gwyn's stalker, the girl would be left alone. They then, could sneak in from behind and grab her unencumbered. A piece of cake.


"Dis plant dat helps prevent infection an' dat one calms feva and reduces pain an' swellin'."

Zinnie pointed the plants out to Gwyn and dug them up for replanting.

"I know all dose moderine doctors look down deir fancy noses at natural herbs an' remedies. But, where do dey t'ink so many o' dose original medicines come from, hmmm? Herbs! Plants!"

She continued to point out and harvest useful plants and explain their uses while Gwyn made notes.

Nico showed Bear a gator slide and explained how big the monster was. He stopped, cocked his head and looked at the big man.

"You don' seem ta be leanin' on dat cane quite so much." He said.

Bear looked at the cane.

"No, I'm not. The combination of what Gwyn and Zinnie have been doin' really seem to be helpin'. All the things together have done has worked wonders." He looked at her with amazement. "I can exercise with less pain, it's gettin' stronger and my balance is better. I can hardly believe how much she has brought into my life."


In the meantime, Nico prepared the boat and gave Bear a run down on how a gator hunt is carried out and what to expect."


Both Nico and Gwyn were a bit disappointed at the size of the gators they had harvested so far. While most were 7 to 10 feet in length, they were hoping for a big one.

"A big one? Bear repeated. A ten foot gator seems pretty big to me."

"I wus hopin' ta get at least a 12 or 14 foota." Nico answered and fretted when looking over the gators in the bottom of the boat.

"We got ta get a big one." He said almost to himself.

Gwyn, who had been watching her brother finally spoke of his increasing frustration. Reluctantly, he told her of the bet he had made with their Uncle.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed, "You actually thought you could out so him? Well, guess dat'll teach you from suckin' eggs won't it?"

"If I wus you, I wouldn't be so carefree 'bout it." He said guardedly not quite making eye contact.

She looked at him and frowned, a cold feeling began developing in the pit of her stomach.

"Nico! Whut did you bet?" She asked quietly.

He sighed and looked everywhere except at her.

"Dat de loser cleans da winna's boat."

"Ooooh," she grinned, "no wonda you want a big one. He'll get way back into the deep parts o' da swamp where da big ones grow. I wouldn't wanna clean his boat eitha, it's got all kinds o' places crud cin get." And laughed but began to sober when she saw the look on her brother's face.

She looked at Bear then back to Nico. "Whut aren't you tellin' me?" At his guilty look she gasped.

"You didn't!" Nothing. "Nico! Tell me you only made dis bet between you an' Uncle Jaspa!"

"Oh, well de bet is between us but....he....well bébé you know how he is."

Gwyn pursed her lips, closed her eyes and counted to ten.

"I wus sure we would get a bigga one den whut we been gettin', cher. An' Uncle Jaspa, he insisted that since we wus goin' huntin' tagetha," he encompassed the three of them, "dat de bet included us all."

Bear's eyes became dark slits and he cast a hard stare at the man who would become his brother.

"You pulled both of us in on your bet without consulting us first?"

Gwyn was still sputtering.

"Well, he's only been pullin' in 5 - 7 foota's an' we wus gettin' dose nice bigs ones."

"Then we have nothin' to worry about if you already have bigger ones." Bear relaxed, but Gwyn wasn't fooled.

"Whut's de rest of de bet? You don' look any too relieved 'bout dat?"

"It's de biggest one caught today." Nico finally admitted.

Now he had two angry people boring holes in his head as Bear slowed the boat close to a marker.

"Today?!" Bear and Gwyn growled together.

"You tell us dat now when dere is only a couple hours left o' de day?!" Gwyn demanded looking for something to throw at him.

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