A/N | Poll (Important)

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So guys I'm sort of stuck for what to write next. I have a few ideas but I can't write them all at once. So lets see if we can do a quick poll thingy.

Just comment on the one you would want most ok:

-Another Lucifer one, this time Luci x OC, probably a lot longer than this one. Also probably sadder. (Will have its happy moments though) And with more Team Free Will action.

-A Gabriel x Reader that I have been talking about for way too long (I even said it in this chapter a few months ago damn)

-Or Cas & Gabe running from heaven and it being a Destiel & Sabriel fic but with the main perspectives Cas & Gabe.


Okay and I've also said to a few people I might be writing a bonus chapter for this book, seeing as a lot of you like it. So do you guys have anything in particular you want to see?


Anyway, lets hope I see you in a fic soon. Bye~

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