6 | Big Brothers

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Sort of a filler? Sort of essential to the plot? Who knows what this chapter is. Also song is for Moose considering this chapters in his perspective.

Also all you people who read this deserve gold stars. Enjoy.

Sammy's POV

He haunted me wherever I went. Lucifer, following me around, making snark comments about every little thing. Dean told me he wasn't real, I believed him, but I was still afraid.

Sometimes Lucifer would mention a girl, by the name of Y/N. I remember her, the innocent girl in Hell. She had told me that she was only there because she killed a demon while Crowley was in a bad mood.

It didn't seem fair that she was stuck down there with the two flying dickbags. She was innocent, if anything I should be down there instead.

In the current moment it was 10:42pm, me riding in shot gun and my older brother singing obnoxiously loud to some classic rock band. It had been almost a week since I last saw HalLucifer. To be frank, it was worrying me, he left without warning and my thoughts went haywire trying to figure out why.

I had concluded that either he was planning some other means of torture for me, or that the real Lucifer had done something. As bad as it sounds, I was praying for the second option.

"Dean," I said, trying to get his attention over the music. He just kept singing.

"Dean!" Raising my voice. He looks over at me and slowly turns it down,

"What? Don't like the song, Sammy?"

I sighed. I had planned on telling him some lie so we could get Crowley to let us into Hell, but I hadn't been very honest with my brother lately and that needed to change, "I think somethings happened to Lucifer."

He turned the music off completely, frowning and looking at me, "What do you mean?"

"He hasn't haunted me in almost a week, he normally shows up AT LEAST once a day."

"So? He could just be scheming? Or maybe he's gone for good? You should be relishing this time, Sam."

But I couldn't, not when I knew that girl was down there.

"Dean, please, before he left he was talking about this girl, and how she was going to save him. I met the girl in Hell. She was in a cell directly next to the cage, she was innocent."

His eyes widened a little, "So you're saying that you think Lucifer hitched a ride in some girl?"

"Yes!" I practically hissed at him, "We should at least talk to Crowley, make sure he's still down there."

He throws me his phone, "Call him, make it quick."

I raised my eyebrow at Dean, questioning why he has Crowley's number. He shrugs and puts his eyes back on the road. Ring Ring Ring.

"What do you want Moose? I'm busy."

"Hello to you too, Crowley. Update on Lucifer?"



Call Ended.

I was in shock, waves of fear rushing over me, I turned to Dean and in the smallest whisper, "He's out."

Dean screeched the Impala to a stop, yanking the phone out of my hand, dialling Crowley once again.

"How did he get out? ... I SAID HOW DID HE GET OUT?! ... Okay, we'll meet you there in half an hour ... You better have a good explanation for this."

He hung up and threw the phone on the backseat, pressing his foot down hard and zooming us down the road.


Crowley led us to the cage and, me shivering when Michael glared. No Lucifer in sight. I walked over to where I remember Y/N was. Nothing, just an empty cell.

"Who was in here again?"

He sighed, "Your little half sister, Y/N Winchester."

Dean and I exchanged a confused glance. "What little sister?" Dean mumbled.

"Your father got around. Anyway, I killed her before we were all on good terms. She was a Winchester, I thought she was be an annoyance in the future. I sent one of my best to deal with her and she ganked him with his own knife. For that I wasn't just going to let her go to Heaven. BUT THE LITTLE BITCH SMUGGLED LUCIFER OUT!"

"How? I thought these were just souls. There would have been no body to take possession of." I say, knitting my eyebrows. I remember Lucifer talking to her a lot. He was quite fond of our half sister. Or at least he pretended to be.

"Well, after I killed her I had no where to dump her body because I was sure where ever I put it you fools would find it. So I figured I would just bring it here with her soul. That was a mistake obviously."


Suddenly we were back in the Impala. Dean and I shared a glance, we had to find him and put an end to this once and for all.

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