8 | Playing House

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Hello~ I think this song is pretty damn good at describing a relationship with Luci but who knows. Anyway, means a lot to me if you could take a moment to tell me what you think of this fic. On that note, Enjoy~

Lucifer kept you safe for the odd month you spent with him. Having no where to go, you let him look after you, although it seemed as if he needed you more than you needed him.

You let him learn from you, let him watch over you, let him talk to you about whatever would be on his mind.

But you were never a prisoner. He never forced you to stay, never threatened you nor hurt you. He gave you money, who he got from Hell knows where, and you bought yourself food and drink from a local store. It amused you how all the people around the little town you were in didn't know Satan was living a few blocks down.

Sometimes he would leave for days and come back wounded, it would hurt you, seeing him like that. Despite his protests he would let you tend to his wounds, most he would heal himself like they were nothing, others, like most of his wing wounds, he said were made by something called an Angel Blade and did not heal as quickly.

You were worried about him. Was he trying to start the apocalypse again? Bad Lucifer. In his defence, he was only keeping you safe, killing the occasional demon or angel that wanted to hunt him down. Hardly apocalypse worthy entertainment. But he was content, for probably the first time in his life, he was truly content.

Over the month, you had decided the house needed some renovations. Surprisingly Luci was more than happy to help.

"What colour do we want this wall Luci?"


"You want everything to be red."

"There is nothing wrong with red."

"Variety, Luci, variety."

You picked up a brush and he snapped his fingers and it was instantly covered in red paint. You scowled at him, "Not red for a living room, Lucifer. We already put red in your room."

"Then it will match."

"It doesn't have to match."

You sigh and wave the paint brush around sassily, forgetting the paint on it, accidentally throwing paint all over his face, "Apparently you want me to be red."

"Now you match," You laugh, taking in the sight, half of his face was dripping red and onto his clothes. His eyes glow begin to glow the same shade,

"Does it compliment my eyes?" He batts his eyelids a couple of times and you practically double over in a fit of laughter. He looks down a little and moves his arms, the paint smearing all over him and making disgusting squelching noises, "Does Y/N want a hug?"

He moves to wrap his arms around you but you squeal and run for the stairs. Not getting far as he blocks your path and engulfs you in a red, cold, sticky embrace. You squirm and try not to get so much paint on you, but squirming just makes it worse. You stiffen and pout up at him. He doesn't let go of you and after a while you let yourself relax into him, placing your head on his shoulder. The cold was nice. He was nice.

Lucifer loosens his grip so you could move away but you don't. Maybe you should do something you had wanted to do since you first saw him. You pull away from the hug a little and stand on your toes, being almost eye level with him now.

He smirks a little and you blush. Ever since you got here he never made a ~move~ on you, just the occasional joke or wink.

You suck up your nervousness and press your lips to his, slowly and sweetly, using his shoulders to keep you balanced. He kissed back, gripping your waist in one hand and cupping your cheek with the other.

You didn't care how your face and body was now almost entirely red, at least it hid your blush. All you cared about was the angel in front of you.

His tongue was cold as it slid over your lip, you could feel its two prongs distinctively, shivering from the touch.

Nice was a understatement.

BANG! SLAM! You broke away at the sudden noise, "What the heck?!"

Two men walked through the door. You recognised one, Sam, the other you assumed was his brother. They were holding silver swords and bottles, they didn't look very happy to see you. Lucifer hissed, "Winchesters."

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