5 | "Trust Me This Might Hurt"

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Lucifer would often bring up that you found him attractive, and frankly, you didn't mind. He would wink at you and the sexual jokes and innuendos he used to make came rushing back.

Michael would watch from the other side of the cage, a disapproving look covering his features. Your guess was that he was angry that Lucifer was better at making friends than him. In reality he was just uncomfortable with all of Luci's jokes, one of the reasons Lucifer kept making them.

Adam was practically dead for a second time. He was unresponsive and showed no signs of life other than random shaking and blinking. Every now and then, Michael would prod him, in an attempt to get him to talk. It never worked.

By now it felt like you had been in this cell for at least a year. But, despite being in Hell, it wasn't as bad as you expected, seeing as you had Satan to tell you stories and glare the demons away, leaving you with significantly less torture and entertainment of sorts. Few brave demons would ignore Lucifer's gaze and threats and would torture you anyway, you had a feeling that they we're sent to do so by Crowley.

In this moment Luci was warming his hands on the holy fire and humming Seven Nation Army. For being in Hell, locked in a cage surrounded with fire that could potentially kill him for good, he was surprisingly calm. He had gotten over barking at demons walking by and starting fights with Michael. Instead, for the most part, he would sit and play with the fire, muttering to you something about needing to be tolerant, and the occasional joke loud enough for Michael to hear.

You found his calm state rubbing off on you. The only sound being his humming and the soft crackle of the flames. You had learnt to block out the screams from the cells around you long ago.

It was peaceful.

You studied his face. His ice blue eyes flickering with light from the flames, deep in concentration. His eyebrows knitted together, all focus on his hand in the flames. It surprised you how he wasn't being burnt, but you didn't feel like questioning him.

You yelp and jump at the sudden movement of his hand jolting through the bars and the flames, accompanied by a small hiss and his hand being retracted.

You stare at him in shock, everyone you had asked, them being only Michael, Sam, Crowley and Luci himself, had told you that the fire would contain the angels. He stares down at his arm as to examine any injuries, but from what you could see over the flames, there was none.

"Luci how di-" You were cut off by him holding his finger to his mouth in a shushing motion, eyes flicking up to meet yours. He nods over to Michael and shakes his head a little. You understand. He found something. Michael would just ruin whatever he was planning.

You continued to watch him, tickling the flames. "What are you thinking about?" Your voice came out a whisper as you tried to get him to tell you what he was doing.

He looked up at you and winked, speaking softly so his older brother wouldn't hear, "I have a plan."

He checks over his shoulder, Michael was still prodding Adam's lifeless corpse. He turned back to
me and hushed his voice even more, "I'm going to rush High and Mighty over there, once he's down you are going to have to let me use you as a vessel, if I can go quickly enough I can get through the holy fire with minimal damage. We need Michael down as there is a short time period during taking a vessel that he could pull me away. Now, you're going to have to trust me, this might hurt, a lot."

You stare blankly at him, all this time, he was plotting escape? He wants to be inside of you? You let out a giggle at the innuendo you just made. But never the less, you needed to help him, he had been good for you while you were down here. And especially if he gave you a free ride back to Earth you were more than happy to help.

You nodded at him and he grinned, "Okay, good. Now I need a yes to take you as a vessel, all you have to do is when I ask you you have to say yes."

"I can do that," you mutter, seems easy right? All you had to do was say a word. Although you were worried, why would it hurt? You didn't want more hurt.

With a sigh you pushed the thoughts away and looked Lucifer dead in the eyes, "Thank you."

He grinned, and with that, his body shifted so he was standing, sneaking over to Michael, who turned around just before it was too late. Whack. Lucifer's fist collided with Michael's cheek, sending him flying and hitting the wall. Lucifer ran over and belt him, his eyes turning red and his brothers face dripping with blood. You could see the marks on his face, cuts and bruises. You felt sorry for him, but you couldn't afford to dwell on it.


His heavy footsteps rung around everywhere as he rushed to get back to you, "Y/N! You gonna let me in?!"

"Yes," you said confidently, but almost immediately regretting it. Cold swept over you and buzzing rang throughout, slowly becoming more and more pronounced as you watch his figure fade into you. A crimson-brown light engulfing your senses, every part of you was slowly taken over, you couldn't move, you couldn't scream, it was worse than any torture they had inflicted before. It felt as if people were slicing at you with butter knives, prodding and cutting, until you felt as if there was almost no you left.

You heard a voice ring around you, "I'm so sorry, it'll be over soon."

It was a nice voice, soothing. You started to loosen your grip and the world slowly faded to black, as if you were dying for a second time.

"I will keep you safe."

Song purely because "The truth never set me free, so I did it myself"

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