7 | Alive and Broken

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Sort of wanted to call this part We Stitch These Wounds, but I felt that was too jdbcowpbxk~ y'feel.

Anywho ~ Back to your POV

Numbness was frightening. You lay in the darkness for who knows how long. Your mind buzzing, no idea of how long you'd been out.

Your fingers tingle and slowly you could feel trickles of life being poured back into your bones. You twitched your toes, hesitant at first, when there was no pain you tried more. Eventually able to fully move your foot. Time to wake up.

Your eyelids were heavy, but you pushed them open with all your might, expecting to see bars, chains, fire and blood, but instead being met with an off white slate. You sat up in a daze, a creaking noise coming from underneath you, trying to take in your surroundings as best you could.

You were on a mattress in an old looking room, the red wallpaper, faded and peeling off the walls and the one of the ceiling lights was hanging out of its socket. A door across from you, barely on its hinges. There was an open window to the side of you, being the light source of the room, on it were draped pink curtains, blowing in the breeze.

To your eyes, this was beautiful. No bars, no screaming. You frowned, not entirely remembering how you got here. All you could remember was Lucifer and pain.

As if on cue a clumsy flutter echoes around you, sounding like a bird had just run into a window and was trying to regain balance. The sudden noise causing you to jump and almost fall off the mattress. You look up and search the room for the source of the noise, then you see him. Lucifer, the fallen archangel that had hopped inside of you and rode you out of Hell.

He was standing at the end of the mattress, holding a plastic bag and what looked like a change of clothes. He looked clean and lively and when he smiled at you, you could feel the butterflies having a ball, "Humans get hungry, yes? I bought you some food seeing as you haven't eaten in a year and a half."

He extends his other hand, "Also a change of clothes, I don't think you would like to be wearing those for much longer?"

He gestures to you ripped, blood soaked, burnt clothes. You nodded, taking the clothes from his cold hands. Confusion swept over you, you had expected for him to leave you as soon as he got out of you.

"Why are you doing this for me?" You mumbled, parts of you still not reacting as fast as they should. He sits on the mattress next to you. You feel coldness radiating off him and shiver a little. You had to admit that him sitting so close scared you a bit. He was an all powerful being and you we're practically an ant compared to him.

"I owe you." He states. Nothing more.


You both sit in comfortable silence for a while. You relishing the fact that you were no longer in Hell, and he, gazing at your face like it was the most astounding artwork he had ever seen. You, being oblivious to his stare, sighed and tried to stand, only to trip on a loose floorboard and get caught by freezing hands. He helped you regain your balance then moved away.

He was gentle. The way he acted towards you was unlike anyone had before.

"Why are you so cold?" You asked quietly. The eyes of his vessel reflected this perfectly, their icy hue reminding you of snowflakes. In this moment you wondered how Lucifer had gotten Nick's body, seeing as Nick died. You made a mental note to ask him later if you got the chance.

"Hell's hot for good reason."

(**cough cough** Tyler Joseph much**cough cough**)

You give him a small smile but then quickly shoo him out of the room so you could get changed. With a smirk he complies, fluttering out of the room the way he came, taking the food with him. The little flying dickbag.

You laid out the clothes he had given you, jeans, a (your favourite band) top and a green flannel. You smiled, remembering the conversation you had with him about this band. When you went to scoop up the clothes, two garments fall out of the flannel. You scowled a little at the underwear he had given you, too provocative for your taste.

After getting changed, into the clothes that fitted too damn well, you head out the door and explore the rest of the house, hoping to find Luci and the food on the way.

The room you were in perfectly matched the rest of the house, wallpaper peeling, curtains eaten away by moths, even a few scratch marks on the walls which bothered you a little but you chose to ignore it.

You saw a staircase, going down, you shivered a little at the thought that you were on the second story. The floor didn't exactly seem sturdy in your opinion, seeing as though you tripped over a floorboard a few minutes ago.

Oh well, you lightly press your toe on the first stair, testing to see if it would hold. Then, all at once you try your best to lightly sprint down the stairs.

You gave a huff once you got to the bottom. Didn't fall Wooo!

A small rattle comes from what you suppose is the kitchen. You peer through the door, instantly finding his eyes. He gives you a small smile and a nod towards the plastic bag before turning his back and tending to something.

That's when you saw them, well noticed them. Two dark maroon wings protruding from his back, you were too busy looking at his face to see them before. You gasped a little as he pulled a hook through them and winced, trying his best to stitch the wounds on them. They were bending in ways you were sure that wings should not bend, immediately giving off that they were severely damaged. The feathers quivered every time he pulled the thread through.

You ran over to him, an instinct to help him washing over you. Kneeling beside him and studying his wing, the feathers were ruffled and in some parts missing. He watches you, fear working its way inside of him, he shouldn't be so weak in front of you. Although when you reached to touch it he snarled and they vanished. You stood there, blinking slowly, it was right there?

"I can tend to my own wounds." He growled. You move back, for the first time he scared you. Quiet thoughts of fear sound in the back of your head, he could do anything to you now, there were no bars of holy fire protecting you. Hurt fills his eyes and he stands, "I'm sorry, I should not be so harsh." he puts his arm out as if to place it on your shoulder but retracts it slowly. Instead he motions to the food, "Eat. You need it."

The bag crinkles as you pull the food out, (your favourite food) under its paper covering. Also a bar of chocolate. You giggle at the chocolate and Lucifer's gaze shifts to it, "What humour does chocolate possess?"

"You've never had any."

He furrows his brows, "So? That is humorous to you?"

You sigh, he really was clueless. You broke the chocolate in half and proceeded to hand him a piece. He took it carefully and looked at it for a while, "It does not look very as appeasing as I would have imagined?"

"Just eat it already."

You picked up the other food he had bought and began eating, he was right, you were hungry as Hell. He took a small bite of the chocolate bar, "It is... Strange... Although, I can see how Gabriel and humans enjoy it."

Gabriel? His gaze lowered when he said the name and you could see the hurt in his eyes. You didn't feel as though it was your place to ask.

You sat in silence, eating your food and watching him pop his wings back out and tend to them, finishing his half of the chocolate as he did so. You liked being with him, there wasn't anyone else you could really think of that you wanted to spend time with more.

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