2 | Playing Their Game

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((Song still for Luci))

You slide down the wall of your cell, landing flat on your ass and sitting there. By now you've lost track of how long you've been here and you're positive that you look like utter crap. You've also practically given up on any type of escape, you tried to kill a demon that came in to torture you for fun but that didn't end very well, it just resulted in more torture.

You're stomach still aches when you move from the slices they carved into you. But you weren't about to start screaming yet, you might go crazy, but at least you'll do it quietly.

When you first got locked in here you thought that you could talk to the man on the other side of the huge cage, but soon found that once you've been tortured a few times neither of you are in a very chatty mood, or at least, you can't talk above a whisper without whimpering.

Counting to a thousand had gotten boring after the five-hundredth time and twiddling your thumbs wasn't a great time passer. You had resorted to singing songs to yourself. Which, although still boring after a while, worked better than other methods you tried.

So in this moment you were humming (your favourite song) and twiddling your thumbs, when you were blinded and thrown across to the other side of your cell.

Crashing noises and white light covered everything in what you thought would be an at least 100 mile radius. You tried to shield your eyes but they were pinned to your sides, leaving you exposed to the light coming from the massive cage. Your thoughts raced and your head pounded.

Suddenly you fell. The lights subsided, and you could hear voices. Slowly but surely your vision was regained and your ability to move was granted again.

You heard an angry shout, "FOR HELL'S SAKE NOT HERE AGAIN!"

Footsteps sounded and you could see one man standing obnoxiously straight, two lying on the ground in some sort of sleep like state and the other shouting demands for Crowley. The shouting man look angry, very very angry. His eyes were glowing red and he was practically hissing, the other man, the one standing quietly, his eyes shone blue and he had a very if-anyone-talks-to-me-I-might-cut-their-head-off look splayed across his features. When he finally spoke his voice rang clear over the hissing man's shouting,

"Lucifer, calm yourself, I do not believe that Crowley wishes to see you at this current moment."

You gape, Lucifer?? This could not get any stranger. The man, Lucifer, turns to blue eyes, "Oh yes brother, Crowley does not wish to see me so shall I just let myself rot in this cage for another millenia?"

He ignores his brother's sarcastic remark and goes back to standing silently. Luckily it seems neither of them have noticed you yet. You try to move into the corner of your cell, furthest from the burning bars. Unfortunately blue eyes must have heard you shift, he snaps his head in your direction, causing you to whimper a little, no good could come of this.

His strides are long and soon he is standing a metre away from your cell. You stare up at him, gulping a little but deciding you wouldn't just sit there and wait for him to come up with a greeting. You mutter a slight, "Hi?" but instead of coming out a greeting it was more of a question. He cocks his head, staring at you almost as if he was studying you. You shifted under his glowing blue gaze and spoke again,

"W-what are you?"

He draws a breath, "I am Michael, Archangel of the Lord, who are you?"

Your face contorts, of course you are, demons and Satan now angels and God. Great. All the things you didn't believe in have come back to kick you in the ass. You realise you had spaced out and were staring at the angel, "My names Y/N, what's an angel doing in hell?"

"I was on a mission to save humanity and some imbeciles decided to interfere with the plan." He talks so high and mighty, you already didn't like him very much. Moving up to stand you edge closer to the bars separating you both. During your exchange with Michael you didn't notice that Lucifer had silenced his shouting. Although you did notice one of the figures on the ground stir slightly, just to go back to being frozen still.

"Who are they? Your playtoys?" You say scoffing a little and nodding at the men. Michael stiffens, well, more than he already was.

"They were our vessels, Lucifer and I have been forced to occupy a different shape in order to be confined within the cage. We have both chosen to appear as two former vessels."

You frown, feeling so sorry for the men, they were most likely innocent and they've been dragged to Hell for assisting angels. Your thoughts also wander to what vessels would experience, they obviously wouldn't have control of their actions, or would they? Questions play in your mind, the whole time the Archangel watching you intently.

Suddenly Michael is tugged back and lands ass on the floor, Lucifer taking his place, "Now who do we have here~" he hums, his voice changed drastically from the angry shouting and his eyes were no longer red, but a natural icy blue. You move so you have your back against the wall once again. He pouts, "Come now, it's not like I can hurt you from here sheesh."

You stay planted where you are, not trusting that the bars would be enough of a barrier between you and Satan. He rolls his eyes, "Okay let's try this again; My name's Lucifer, I'm in Hell for trying to demolish humanity. Now, this time you say your name and why you're locked up."

He raises an eyebrow at you, waiting for a response, the fire from the bars illuminating his face. His blonde hair and blue eyes making him look practically adorable. You shake those thoughts away and go to answer him, "Y/N, I, uh, I killed one of Crowley's 'most trusted' so he killed me and put me in here."

Lucifer nodded, "So you should have gone to heaven, but the poor excuse for a demon, Crowley, was in a bad mood. How lovely." He folds his arms and nods to himself. His eyes leave your face and begin to wander down your body, his mouth curling into a smirk when his eyes meet your too short shorts and proceeding to drift his gaze over your legs, causing you to shiver honestly you felt violated yet slightly satisfied.

"You have exceptional taste in shorts, Y/N."

Quality Cage Time | Lucifer x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang