Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

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 I woke up the next day feeling groggy my chest felt tight and my hands were killing. I rolled over feeling dampness on my bed I sighed looked at the clock it was 3 in the afternoon and I haven’t gotten out of the bed all day I didn’t feel like it either Rachel and Sarah both came downstairs to get me earlier but I didn’t want to get up I didn’t feel like getting up I just wanted to drown in my self pity I know I sound like a wimp but you would to if you just got rejected by a girl you like I sighed remember last night I’m such and idiot for doing that I thought everything was going fine because she kissed me back but I guess she realized that she didn’t like me the way I did I guess the worst thing for me to have done was to fall head over heals with a straight girl. I sat up my sheets were wet from last nights rain I didn’t bother to change because I didn’t feel up to it. My stomach growled as I stood up I frowned at it and went to the bathroom I looked in the mirror my face was pale I took off my damp clothes and flung them to the floor before I took a shower I let the warm water run over my body I felt a sting coming from both of my hands as I bathe I looked at them they were both swollen and covered in dried blood this must be from last night I turned the shower off I didn’t stay in there long I didn’t want to I grabbed some of my sweatpants and put them on before I headed upstairs for something to eat I opened the basement door and walked to the kitchen my whole family and Rachel were sitting at the island chatting happily amongst themselves. When I entered everyone stop talking and turned to me I didn’t acknowledge them I just went in the cabinet and grabbed the first aid kit and my cereal before I opened the fridge and took the milk out I went back downstairs to the room when I realized I forgot my bowl and spoon I sighed and went back to the kitchen it grew quiet again as I grabbed a bowl and spoon.

“Ash is everything okay” My father asked glancing at me from behind is paper I looked at him do I look okay I wanted to say instead.

“Just Peachy” I mumbled and walked out taking the bowl downstairs with me ate one bowl of cereal before I started bandaging my hands up I put the ointment on them before I wrapped them up when I finished I just sat there staring at the wall I missed her already and it hasn’t even been a full 24 hours yet. I stood you know what I’m Ash Davis the Ash Davis I will not sit around and mope all day, I refused to mope around all day. I stood up and threw on my shirt and slipped on my shoes. I don’t need her I can go on with out her I grabbed my keys and headed out the front door. I’m going to find a girl and make her mines tonight.

(Gabriel POV)

I’ve been ignoring everyone’s call this weekend I needed time to figure everything out. It’s the middle of the week me and Ash still haven’t talked well I didn’t show up for class Monday, I didn’t have the guts to face her and now I’m siting in first period the others tried to ask me what happened but I said nothing I was still so confused I thought about what Samantha said to me in the car Friday go with what my heart wants my hearts confused along with my head I touched my lips remembering the feelings I had as we kissed outside then I thought about Rachel and Ash what was going on between those two, I don’t know I just don’t know. I looked down as Ash walked in and sat down neither us said anything to each other we just sat there awkwardly our friends looked at us weird not saying anything I sighed to myself my life is so complicated I’m confused and mad at myself for what happened. I should have stayed and we could have talked it out but no I ran home like a little baby leaving her there. It hurt me to see the pain and regret that flashed through her eyes when I pushed her away and ran The teacher came in and started the lesson up I didn’t pay attention to it I was still in my own little world thinking about my jumbled up feelings for her.

Somewhere Only We Know (editing) Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin