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  Chapter 11 

(Gabriel POV)

So I'm in my first period ignoring Ash as much as I can, which is hard to do she keeps throwing me notes, but I brush them away.

 "Gabriel" she whispers  I pretend like I don't hear her and continue taking my notes.

"Don't be like this Gabriel" started to poke on my side I moved her hand away from only for her to do it again.

"Gabriel c'mon talk to me I already said sorry" she whined at me I shook my head and turned back to the teacher. I felt a pinch on my side making me squeak. I turned and glared at Ash who was laughing.

"Leave me alone Ash" I hissed  and face the board only to the teacher glaring at us

"Gabriel and Ash is there something you two like to share with the class" he asked I turned red.

"No sir" I mumbled while Ash grinned and shook her head.

 "Then please don't interrupt my class again" he went back to teaching I huffed and continue taking note ignore Ash as she nudged me.

 "Gabriel you can't ignore me all day" she whispered

 "Watch me" the bell rung; I quickly gather my things ignoring Ash as she walked me to my next class still poking me.

 "Gabriel please talk to me your killing me" she said and poked my cheek people looked at us curiously in the hallways . She poked me again on my cheek but this time I turned and bit her finger. She yelped and pulled her finger back.

 "Ouch shit" she held her finger glaring at me

"What you do that for"

 "Shouldn't have poked me" I turned and went in my class

"You know I'll have you talking to me by lunch" she shouted in the classroom as I took my seat ignoring her.


So Gabriel been ignoring me because of the stupid test she missed. I think she got madder when she got in trouble in class today too. So I had an idea, which I am 100 percent sure it is going to work. I left out of school at 4rd period and went to the store before coming back to school right in time for lunch. I made my way to her table where all her friends were sitting. I took the seat on the bench which I assumed was Gabriel spot.

"Um no offense, but what are you doing here" I think is name was Matt asked me confused. 

"Nothing waiting for Gabriel is it a problem" they all look at me strangely except for Samantha and shook their head no.

"You do know that she's mad at you right" Jenna said looking me up and down I swear it looked like she was about to eat me.

"Yup that why I'm over here" grinning at them

"Why is she mad" Matt asked scratching his head.

"Well Ash here made her miss her test yesterday and she got her in trouble this morning" Samantha said laughing

"How was I supposed to know she had a test" I mumbled looking at the door waiting for Gabriel to walk in.

"You did say you would be back to make it to the last two periods"

Somewhere Only We Know (editing) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now