New Beginnings

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"It's just another manic Monday I wish it was Sunday cause that's my funday, my I don't have to runday, It's just another manic Monday" I bang my head on the desk repeatedly as Alex kept singing the stupid song 'Manic Monday' by the Bangles. He's been singing since we arrived to class and he won't stop. I continued to bang my head on the desk.

"Alex please shut up we get it, it's a manic Monday so shut up" I groaned at him still hitting my head as he sung louder.

"You know hitting your head isn't going to help Ash" I heard an angelic voice say I raised my head to see that it was Gabriel standing there smirking at me I frowned at her.

"Yes it is, maybe I'll knock myself out"

"At the rate you're going I wouldn't be surprised if you did" She replied sitting next to me. I laughed

"Well its better than listening to that idiot" she laughed and shook her head

"So how was the rest of your weekend" I asked she scrunched up her face

"Well my parents and sister came back yesterday and we had to have family time what about you" I laughed as she air quoted family time.

"It couldn't have been that bad and as you know I had to get my haircut" I pointed to my hair I got it cut in a faux hawk hairstyle.

"Yes it was that bad and I like it I can see your face now" she pulled on a strand of my hair.

"Hey no touchy" I grabbed her wrist and pulled it down from my hair

"But I just want to touch it" She reached for it with her other hand I grabbed it.

"No now be a good little girl and do as you're told," I scolded her she played along and pouted at me

"Yes daddy" she mumbled I smiled at her and tapped her nose trying to hold back my laugh as she scrunched up her face.

"Now see this isn't so bad is it"

"I don't see why I can't touch it you're so mean to me" She whined smirking

"Hey I'll take you to get some ice cream if you stop pouting and be a happy little girl for daddy" I told her patting her head.

"Only if you take me to cold stone and get me a puppy" she crossed her arms frowning.

"Gabby I don't know about the puppy sweetie, but I will think about it"

"What the hell?" I heard Alex say from behind Gabriel, Gabriel gasped and put her hands over her mouth.

"He said a bad word" she pointed at him; I crossed my arms a frowned at Alex who looked at me confused.

"You do not curse in front of my little Gabby do you understand me"

"What" he started, but was interrupted by Gabriel who was smirking?

"You in trouble, you in trouble" she sung, we both looked at each other and burst out laughing, while everyone looked at us confused.

 "I thought you two weren't talking" Aly said looking between the two of us I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well we decided to start over" I heard groans from all the guys in the background wonder what's up their butts.

"I guess I'm going to have to step up my game" Alex mumbled turning to Gabriel with a twinkle in his eye, she looked at him sideways and turned to me.

Somewhere Only We Know (editing) Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora