chapter 6

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Chapter 6

( Gabriel POV)

My weekend went fast as usual I didn't do anything except the shopping trip with the girls, waste time and study.

So now it's Monday and as usual I'm sitting in first period with Alex passing me notes, which I'm choosing to ignore because I already read one of them, which suggested that we go somewhere quite, and get to I quote 'know each other better' with a winking smiley face at the end. I swear he creeps me out, I would change my seat, but there isn't anywhere else to sit I could ask Ash to switch with me, but we're both pissed off at each other. I mean who is she to tell me that I should stay away from Declan and that he isn't a good guy, from what I heard she is the one that stole his girlfriend from him and they were best friends what kind of friend does that. Just thinking about it is pissing me off. I look over at Ash who is looking nonchalant I frowned then turned back when the bell rung. I gather my books and head to the door where I see Declan waiting for me smiling. 

"Hey Declan, What are you doing here?" I asked smiling

"Well I came to take you to your next class" he said as we began walking. 

"Thank you"  

"So you ready for the party Friday" he asked 

"Yup the girls and I went shopping Friday after school for outfits so I have everything. What about you?" I asked looking up at him as we dodged several students. 

"Yeah I have everything I had an outfit in my closet that I haven't worn yet" he said as we stopped in front of my next class 

"Well this is my stop thank you again for walking me" I said smiling  

"No problem I see you later" he grinned then walked away.

(Ash POV)

I have to say that I had the best weekend ever with Nathan and Jesse as my personal servants. They were at my beck and call whenever I needed them. It was quite fun ordering them around, I had them do everything that I could think of.

 I had one washing and massaging my feet while the other fed me grapes with a fan blowing on me, I even had them with bed sheets around their waist like in the Egyptian paintings of the Pharaoh and his servants tending to him (just so you know I was the Pharaoh I even had them make me a crown to wear and a stick to hold) man it was an epic weekend and of course I had my dad take pictures my family seemed to enjoy it as much as I did, well except for Jesse and Nathan of course, but as you know all good things must come to an end which is why I'm sitting in first period bored to death looking at the teacher talk about some nonsense that doesn't have anything to do with our subject.

 I'm waiting for the bell to ring. I looked down at Gabriel's desk, which is filled with notes from Alex; I think he should just give up, but who am I to spoil the man's dream. The bell finally rings and I quickly dump my books in my bag I look up ready to leave out the class only to see Declan standing by the door with Gabriel talking. I knew she wasn't going to listen.  

" Ash did you tell her about Declan" Aly asked here is the thing Aly knows what happened to Carey, but won't tell me I asked why and she said something about it was personal for Carey I don't know. 

"I told if, she doesn't listen then it's her problem" I said walking out the room 

"Ash wait you could at least try again" Aly looked at me with a pleading expression  

"No" I kept walking with Aly still beside me 

"Come on Ash you can't just leave her with him" Aly said frowning at me. 

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