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 Slide show of clothes and hair on the side if it does not work there is a direct link to them  at the bottom in the comment area.

Chapter 7

According to Aly it was my fault that Gabriel is hanging out with Declan which I don't understand, anyway because of this she says I have to keep my eyes on them so this is what I have been doing for the last couple of days it is stupid if you ask me but I still keep my eyes on them from a distance. From what the Gossip Queen Alex said, they had a date on Monday and have been getting close in the last few days I watched as Declan sat with Gabriel and her friends at lunch.

" Ash are you ready for the party tonight" Alex asked oh man I forgot about the party I been so busy with practice and watching Gabriel that I didn't have time to get an outfit ready and my hair needs to get cut.

"I completely forgot about it" I grinned sheepishly at them as they shook their heads at me.

"You do realize that the party starts at eight so that means you have less than 6 hours to get ready and that's assuming you have an outfit." Aly said pointing her fork at me.

"I know I can find something, I'm sure I have something to wear" I mumbled

"No actually you're going have less than six hours we have basketball practice after school and we get out at 5 or 5:30 depending on how the coach acts today also you have to take Rachel" Sean said I groaned

"Oh man I guess I'm going to be casually late for the party" I grumbled stuffing the food in my mouth maybe Sarah can pick up an outfit for me she did say she was going to the mall today.

"Ash what about your hair" Aly asked I groaned, today I had my hair pulled back so it wouldn't get in my face for gym and for practice.

"I know what you're going to say I need to get it cut and I know I need to get it cut" I pulled out my cell phone and sent a text to Sarah asking her can she get an outfit for the party tonight.

"Well good luck finding someone to fix your hair" Aly mumbled smirking as I reached up to touch it.

"Is it really that bad" I asked worried

"No you just look like Tarzan that's all" She replied laughing with others as I glared at her

"Whatever" I felt my phone vibrate I looked down at it.

'Wat kind of outfit & wat time is the party- S<3M'

'Sometin casual 4 a house party & itz @ 8 'I waited for her to respond back

'kk I hav the perfect outfit 4 u I'll c u wen u get home I'll help u get ready –S<3M.'

"Ok so I just finished texting Sarah said she'll pick up an outfit for me, now all I have to do is figure out what to do with my hair" I said to them smirking

"Well good luck with the hair and here comes Rachel" Sean said I looked up to see Rachel coming towards me.

"Hey Ash I was wondering what time you were going to pick me up" She asked smiling at me.

"I should be ready by 8:30" I said as the bell rung for next class she nodded a left.

"Ash are you even going to be ready by 8:30" Aly asked with her eyebrows raised

"Yup well I got to get to class" I turned around and left out the cafeteria.

( Gabriel POV)

I felt a pair of eyes on me when I sat down at lunch I huffed. I know Ash has been watching me this past week every time I turn around I see her standing close by, acting as if I don't know she's there personally its freaking me out, she's like a creepy stalker girl but the funny thing is I feel like I'm safe in creepy sort of way.

Somewhere Only We Know (editing) Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt