chapter fourteen

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Harry drags me into the house by my hair after I protest that I'm not going anywhere alone with him and of course Zayn nor Niall help me. Once I was out of the car they drive off. I was alone. with Harry. the last place I would want to be.

The door was closed I stood there starring at him has he walks into the house and grabs a beer from the fridge. then he goes ballistic.

"Are you fucking insane?! God Lacey I swear I could kill you. do you have any idea the danger you were in. any clue how hard I fucking looked for you ?!! huh !? do you?!" Harry starts getting in my face occasionally take a sip from his bottle. "You're the biggest fucking piss off. you're so stubborn and you can't listen. can you? you never learn ! do I have to spell it out for you?!" I am now pressed up against the wall him right against me.

I whimper as he gets closer pressing on me harder on the wall and when he yells into my ear.

"you. are. mine." he grits.

"you will not leave."

"you will not disobey."

"you will not disrespect me."

"you will not deny me."

"I own you."

"get that through your head Lacey. you make everything harder for yourself, stop fighting me. submit babe. it'll be so much easier."

"what are we?" I blurt out.

"you are mine." he responds.

"that's not what I asked." I scoff.

Harry is quick to snatch my chin in his hand.

"well that was your answer." he smirks.

each word hits me like a thousand knives. I stare him dead in the eyes the whole time. my fists balling. my jaw clenching and me doing my best not to let a tear even show. I'm able to remain calm with no emotion. not towards his words. not towards him. it's gone. I can't look at him the same. I can't touch him the same. I can't love him the same. or at all. the only emotion I have towards him is hatred and all I wish upon him is pain.

"why can't you find another girl?" I squeak.

"why? i dont know I've thought about it but another girl isn't you. there's something about you Lacey. maybe it's your vulnerability, or how I know your weakness. maybe because you're so much fun to chase. to hurt. to punish. and i know you have a breaking point babe. everyone does, I gotta find yours. I won't give up until I do." he speaks slowly into my ear.

"but when I break the chase is gone. what happens then?" I ask.

"then I have an obedient slut." he smirks.

"you're sick." I spit.

Harry is quick to throw the beer bottle at me, fortunately missing me by only inches but glass still sinks into my skin. I whimper as my arms and face start to bleed.

"I'm not sick." he growls and whispers in my ear. "I, I just have a type."

I nod as I try to push the pain in the back of my mind.

"now clean this up. then you will meet me upstairs, understand?" he raises an eyebrow.

I nod again which he doesn't accept.

"your words Lacey. use that beautiful voice." he stares me down until I give him what he wants. he then makes his way upstairs and that's when I let the tears slip. I should've just stayed with my stupid brother. fuck I screwed up. I mean I could run. Harry is upstairs doing whatever he won't even know but he'll find me, again. And if not him someone else, someone who is out to get Harry or just looking for some fun. I always believed people could change that's why I stayed with Harry so long, hoping I could be that change. i know that if his parents were here now they'd be so disappointed in their son. Harry started out as a brother to be. to my lover. to my worst enemy.

I pull myself together and start cleaning the glass that's scattered across the ground. I then proceed to removing the glass from my body and cleaning up my wounds. As I'm cleaning my wounds I notice the bruises from the previous night in the alley. they did some really damage. i dont know who they were but Harry obviously pissed them off pretty badly. It was probably over a drug deal. maybe a hitman? could the boys really be murders? Harry for sure but the rest of them? doubt it. Perrie, El or soph would know something and they would never condone that. drugs sure that's no big deal I could believe that. Could've just been some gang rivalry Harry does know people I wouldn't be surprised if some gang shit was going down.

"fuck." I mumble under my breath. I got so lost with my theory's I flooded the sink.

I drain the sink and clean the water in the sides. my arm has stopped bleeding and my fave has a couple scratches here and there but nothing too bad, my arm could use a couple stitches but nothing I can't handle.

I slowly and carefully make my way up the steps and down the hall towards Harry's room. I can hear him the phone with someone but I can't exactly make out what they are saying , he's speaking to quietly. the floor boards creek under me which Harry obviously hears because he ends his conversation.

"in." I hear.

I step inside the room and look at my feet awkwardly. I feel his presence in front of me but I don't look at him. he starts circling me I can feel his eyes running up and down my body. His hand comes up to cup my cheek but I pull away.

"You have exactly 2 seconds to move back to your original position." I can tell it's taking a lot of him to just kill me at this moment and I'd rather not push him so I do as I'm told.

my cheek is soon caressed in his hand. "look up." he says.

my eyes meet his and Harrys other hand holds my other cheek. my breathing gets a little uneven and as I feel his breath against my face. He just stares and in a split second with not warning he crashes his lips into mine. the kiss didn't last long, I didn't kiss back and it didn't seem like Harry minded much. after he pulled away from me biting his lip.







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