Chapter nine

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I walked out after Harry's little episode, he was upstairs busy fucking whoever that whore was and I took it as an opportunity. I put up with a lot from Harry. He thinks as me as an object, he's possessive, it's scary. I'm not his possession and that's what he wants, someone to control but I won't be that person.

The streets tonight are quiet and dark with a few streets lights that work, I didn't grab my phone since it was upstairs in the bedroom where Harry was. I laid on the floor a couple of minutes debating what to do, I grabbed my jacket and left. Just like that, again. I have guess you could say I have a tendency of leaving or walking out. Maybe I just have a poor taste in character, although with my parents I didn't have a choice, and Harry was a normal person from the beginning, but I should've left sooner, I should've left my mom and brother sooner I should've left Harry the first time he hit me, I basically showed him that I'll do what he wants. I can't go to Liam's, or Louis' or Zayns, or Niall's either one of them would instantly give me a speech about Harry telling me to go back, and they would go straight to Harry telling him where I was. I don't even think I could tell Eleanor, Sophia, or Perrie. Once again I'm on my own. I promised myself as soon as I walked out that I wouldn't turn back. I didn't with my adoptive family and I won't now.

I've been walking all night and I still don't have a clue where I'm going or even where I am for that matter, I was so lost in my thoughts I got lost.

I look around the area, I don't recognize anything even though it's dark and most street lights aren't working nothing seems familiar. There are a couple bars here and there but the streets are pretty much dead.

I hear some rustle a little but farther down the street, I glance over to the noise, about 3 guys turned onto the street walking towards me. I turn around and start swiftly walking. I can still hear them behind me as I turn into an alley walking to the end but wether I make a right or left its a dead end.

I turn back around to face the men who are now standing in front of me. "I-i-i think I made a wrong turn." I stutter and take a step forward only to have 2 of them block my exit.

I look up at them , they are all much taller then me although I'm not very tall to begin with.

"You're Harry's girl yeah?" The other man says and I snap my head towards him, which is behind me.

"I-i-i no.." I shake my head.

I don't want anything to do with harry anymore. I am not his girl. I refuse to be a label and refuse to ever hear his name again for that matter.

"You sure about that sweetie?"

"I'm not his girl." I growl.

"I don't like liars babe."

I glare at the one guy who is now in front of me while the other two have backed away but at still watching me closely.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"Harry owes us some money"

"What does that have to do with me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You're our little massager." He smirks.

I roll my eyes. "I'm no longer involved with harry."

"Is that so?" He asks.

"Yes." I say coldly.

"Then I guess this'll just be for fun." He smirks and starts backing up while the other two move towards me.

I am then harshly shoved against the wall my wrists in one of the boys hands as I squirm to try and get him to release me.

"And if you do ever see harry again. Relay the message." I hear further down the alley from the same guy I was talking to before but I can not see him because the two other guys are blocking my view.

I'm quickly turned and before I can scream a hand covers my mouth and my arms are held behind my back. The other boy slides his hands up my shirt as he grips my hips with one hand while the other makes its way to my boobs. I kick him in the shin and bite down on the guys hand, I am then released for a second only to be thrown to the floor in a blink of an eye.

I groan out in pain and curl up on my side as I feel the shadows of the two men above me.

"I'll get harry to give you the money .. Just stop." I say.

"Oh babe. We're just getting started." The taller one says as he gets on top of me. "Try to relax."

I can see the other guy smirk as I squirm underneath the one on me.

He then unzips my jeans and starts pulling them down my legs.

"Stop !! Get off !! No !!" I yell and scream while flailing my arms and legs around.

"Shut up!" He screams as a hard and loud slap comes upon my cheek.

I fall dead silent and my jaw is brought into his hand and turned to face him. "Listen up. This is going to happen wether you like it or not. So either you fucking behave or keep making it worse for yourself. I would've thought Harry trained you better but you're just a disobedient slut."

I clench my jaw at his words and try for them not to get to me but I just can't ignore it. My mouth stays shut however.

He then releases my jaw and pulls my panties down burying his face into my neck. I can't help but kick my legs around.

"Behave." He grits through his teeth.

I look at him with pleading eyes. "Don't do this, please..." I can feel a tear in my eye but I refuse to let it slide. "Just let me go.."

"I could ... But I won't." He smirks.

I whimper and shut my eyes. I feel him moving around on top of me, his pants and boxers being removed and I feel his member press against me and I let out a gasp and push away but my wrists get caught in his hands and pinned against the ground and my legs are held down by his. He chuckles lightly.

"This may hurt." He whispers.

I try to block our everything that is happening, I tried to shut my mind down, tried to become numb to the pain. But it's still there. I can feel and my mind is processing everything. Every detail is burning into my mind. My cheeks are stained with tears and my body aches, there are surely bruises on my wrists from his grip, he hasn't let go since he started and I don't think he's stoping anytime soon. I can feel the blood on my tongue from my lip due to how hard I am biting on it to muffle all noises I want to make. I want to scream out for help but i know no one will hear me. I want to beg for mercy. Most of all I don't want to show any sign of pleasure. No matter how much I hate this whole idea of violation a moan could slide right out of my mouth.

Everything seems to slow down but my heart still races. I then feel him pull away from me, my arms released, my legs moveable, a weight off my body, and relief through my mind.

Everything seems hazey my eyes filled with tears so everything is blurry. I toss my head softly from side to side mumbling incoherent words that don't even make sense to me. I can process everything that is going on my mind is fully functioning but it doesn't feel like that. My mental state and physical state are all over the place. It's like there is something else inside of me, something that wants me to see, hear, touch, know everything that is going on but my body is fighting it. I'm at war.


Sorry for the long wait I've been focusing on school but I promise I'll try to update moreeee !

hope you enjoyy

Twitter: KickinEspinosa
IG: cassiecea
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