chapter thirteen

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Lacey's POV

I'm staring at literally nothing, just around hoping the clock will move faster if I do but it unfortunately doesn't.

I then feel a presence next to me and a voice I can recognized anywhere. "hope this seat isn't taken."

I take a deep breath "leave." I grit without looking at him.

"Oh babe but you see I'm not leaving without you, and I would rather not cause a scene." I can just feel the smirk on his lips.

We are in a public place, there is no way he would try anything. As soon has I try to get up, my wrist is snatched and my body is pulled down onto the bench.

"I said I didn't want to cause a scene." Harry growls and I feel metal on my side.

I look towards the object, a gun. Is he fucking mad?! a gun?? seriously!

I scoff and lean towards his ear. "shoot me, come on harry, do it, dying is better then being stuck with you" I whisper ever so slowly.

When the words slip past my lips I feel the gun digging deeper into my skin.

"Pull the trigger." I smirk.

I know there is no way he would even think of shooting me. He did not go to these lengths to find me just to kill me in the end. He can do many things to me, but this is not one of them. Do I think Harry is capable of murder? 6 months ago I would've said no but this is 6 months later and the answer to that question is yes, absolutely. He is willing and capable to kill but not me.

"Don't test me." harry glares.

"what do you want?" I ask.

"I want you to walk out those doors," Harry nods towards the front "Niall and Zayn are outside waiting for you with a car."

"what happened to the others?" I question.

"don't know, don't care." harry says. "now up and out"

"no can do, sorry."  I shrug.

"why not exactly?" Harry raises an eyebrow.

"I got a train to catch." I smile.

I know I'm pissing him off, I also know I'm not leaving with him, I'm getting on that train and leaving all this behind.

"you don't do as say and you'll have a bullet to catch." harry then turns the gun towards a little girl maybe 7 or 8 reading a book.

"Harry, Harry, Harry come on.. lets relax." I try to calm him down, I wont be responsible for anyone getting hurt.

"I'll relax once you get  your ass out of this building." harry says lowly tightening his grip around the pistol and narrowing his eyes towards his target.

"harr-" I start

"one..." harry says.

"harry.. come on." I plead.

"two...." his hand turns off the safety and mine instantly wraps around his.

"okay!" I say a little too loudly, I panicked.

"okay what?" harry looks at me.

"I'll go out, I'll cooperate, just please...don't hurt anyone." I breath out as a tear slides down my face.

He's taken so much from me, I've given into him once again, I thought all my pain would disappear but getting rid of harry is like getting rid of germs, their everywhere, he's everywhere. maybe I'm a fool for thinking I could get rid of him  for good. Maybe I'm not suppose to be happy, maybe I'm being punished for something. Whatever it is I cant escape it, I'm stuck here, stuck with him. I just have to accept it.

tears blur my vision, Harry's hand cups my cheek and wipes away my tears with his thumb.

"Good girl." he smirks and puts his gun back in his waistband. 

I take a deep breath before I stand up. I scan the room, there is a washroom next to the doors maybe I can hide there. Testing Harry would just make everything else worse. Who knows how many people could get hurt. I guess it's me or them, and I mean nothing to anyone so I'll pay the price.

I wipe my eyes, keep my head down and make my way outside. Niall and Zayn are standing outside, like Harry said. I look at both of them, give Zayn a small nod and he opens the van door, I climb in the back as Niall starts the car and Zayn gets in.

the silence doesn't last long, Harry soon sits beside me, shooting me a quick glare.

"drive." is all he says and Niall does.

Harrys breathing is heavy, he's mad, super mad, at me. "hope you had a nice vacation."

I put my head down not wanting to show emotions. My chin is soon snatched in Harrys hand and pulled to face him.

"I expect you to look at me when I'm talking to you." he tightens his grip on my face and all I can do is whimper in response.

he lets go of me but keeps talking. "did you have fun?"

"Every moment away from you is fun." I spit.

My cheek is then suddenly slapped and my hair grabbed. "I'd watch that pretty little mouth of yours."

I look at Harry, my cheek burning and my body trembling, I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"That's what I thought." Harry releases my hair but manages to throw my head into the window.

I hate this, I hate letting him win. him thinking that I'm scared of him, I am but, but, but nothing. I'm scared of him, that's that. It's not going to change, he's not going to change. Maybe I should just submit to him, let him own me, use me, abuse me. He's going to do it anyways its just a matter of me fighting him or not. Everything would be so much easier if I couldn't feel, if I could somehow turn off my pain simulator in my brain, push my emotions out. everything would be simpler. I want to be numb, totally and completely numb that if a bullet hit me I wouldn't feel, if harry was yelling at me I couldn't hear it, if I was raped again I couldn't remember it. That's all I want, utter and complete bliss.


I actually had this chapter ready the day after I updated chapter 12 but I wanted to make you guys wait, anywayssssssssssssssssssssssssss





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