chapter 33 - All you need is love

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'Okay Harry today is the day!' Louis chirped in my ear while massaging my back. he was hugging me from the back while we awoke while being entwined while sleeping. 

i nodded excitedly and we walked into the kitchen of the apartment. the apartment which held so many memories. 

'Can I make you tea or anything before we leave?' Louis asked 

'No no today is finally the day i can get jasmine back i dont want any delays but thankyou louis,' i said kissing his lips. 

I put on my jacket and carried a life-sized teddy bear to greet jasmine with. I had succefull completed rehabilitation and parenting course and i could finally get jasmine back i was waiting for this day for a very long time i just could not wait.

'Dont be nervous Harry shes your own daughter,' Louis said 

'Yes i know its just i am excited that is all,' i said.

I spent my 20th birthday in rehabilitation, louis nrought me a cake and orgainsed a small party, he said we would celebrate properly once i got out. I started to think to all that time ago at my 19th birthday where all the problems started but it was also near that time me and Louis started a relationship, alot had happened since then but all of what had happened had contributed to me in being a better person and finding myself, i have had some very rough patches and so has louis but we are willing to forget and just focus on the things that make us happy, Louis ignores the hurtful comments and focuses on the happy things in his life.

It was almost as if there was a dark period in our life that we would always remember a dark cloud which will now be washed away. 

Louis smiled at me and we walked hand in hand to the car and drove to the foster care to get back my darling little girl who i loved more than anything in the world. As we drove there i felt this would be the end of all my worries and finally the start of my happiness, hopefully it would be a lovely life. Eleanor's baby was due end of september this year i was excited because Eleanor was happy to give it to us to be honest she was relieved that we would look after her baby because she knew the baby would be looked after so well. This could also mean that she could live the life she has always wanted. 

'i love you boobear,' i said as we got out the car, he clenched my hand and kissed my cheek i think this was one of the first times we did that in public without feeling embarrased. 

As we entered the care, Jasmine came running down and i was glad she hadn't changed so much i was glad to have her back more than anything in the world now i didn't have to depress myself by watching old videos and photographs. 

I picked her up and hugged her so tightly as if i loosened the grip she would dissapear from me but now she will always be with me.

'I love you so much jasmine,' i said kissing her temple

i had tears flowing down my cheek, she was so beautiful and so loving and i couldn't wait to have another child. 

Me and Jasmine spent so much time together with Lou, i think the month apart made us more close somehow. 

We did activites all three of us such as making cookies or cake.

'LOOK DADDY I GOT DOUGH!' jasmine chanted, jasmine was so happy that louis was now back with us and we could finally be a big happy family.

i could do all the fatherly things that i dreamed of doing with jasmine and i was very excited about that.

Jasmine was very excited about having a sibling she wasn't jealoous as i suspected, she wanted it to be a brother. Me and Louis decided that we didn't care about the gender as long as it was a hppy healthy baby. 

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