chapter 4 - daddy wont let me play with you anymore

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As we departed from the amazing kiss we looked at each other and smiled, we both knew that something about that kiss felt so right. We were both lost in a trance staring in each others eyes and i felt like he'd transported me into a different world but we were soon brought back to cloud 9 with Jasmine saying 

'How come two boys kiss?' she squeaked

'what do you mean jasmine?' i asked

'well its not normal is it?' she asked

i looked over to Louis who looked hurt.

'who told you that darling?' i asked  her

'noone its just we never see 2 boys kiss in the tv or in books,' she said

its true, children were shielded fromm gay relationships as if it was some type of disease or bad-word. I remember when i was very little i learnt the word 'Gay' and the teacher told me off asking where i had learnt it from as if it was a bad-word and as if i meant it as an insult but why does the word 'gay' automatically have to be an insult?

'Jasmine listen to me there is nothing wrong with that okay. i dont want you thinking there is anything wrong with that okay?' i said

'i know there's nothing wrong with it,' she smiled

i nodded and kissed her head. i am glad she understood but i wonder if when she became older she'd be made to feel that gay is wrong even though there was nothing at all bad with it.. 


later on the boys left, Jasmine was lying with me with her tiny feet while we were watching cartoons. this time with Jasmine was the time i treasured this was the life cuddling with her. i hadn't realised how much i was missing Louis like never before i kinda hoped that he'd pop round soon. this was ridiculous i was actually thinking about the colour of his eyes and his nervous laugh and his cuteness oh dear lord help me if i am in love. 

'so explain to me jasmine why is this cat chasing the mouse?' i asked Jasmine

'i dont know, its just funny,' she giggled

'It looks like the cat and mouse are friends really how come they have to chase and fight with each other?' i asked jasmine

this left her in deep thought. 

'maybe because cats aren't allowed to be friends with mouses or they will be made fun of they just have to do what is expected of them,' Jasmine said

this was a very intelligent answer by my 2 year old daughter. it was a very intelligent answer that i couldn't help but think it was made for me, this mouse and cat were made to do things because it was in their sterotype alot like people nowadays in society.

'Very good answer Jasmine but just remember the plural of mouse is mice not mouses,' i said 

'mice,' she said again registering it in her brain. 

the phone rang and i got up to answer it, Jasmine was too glued to the television to realise that i had left. 

'Hello?' i said answering the phone

'Hey harry it is me Louis...' Louis said

'Hey Louis..i didn't get to thank you but thankyou so much for looking after me last night i was a total utter reck and thanks for looking after jasmine' i said

'no problems that's what friends are for,' he said

did he just friendzone me? 

'great so what do you need?' i asked him politley

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