chapter 13 - Don't make my little girl upset

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 i noticed Louis getting sadder and sadder he tried to act happy but i could tell because of his eyes and the worse thing we couldn't escape the bullying.He wears long-sleeves t-shirts even in bed so i can't see if he has stopped cutting and i can't ask him either because he gets annoyed when i do i just hope he has. It was Jasmine's first day of preschool  3 weeks later she was dancing around in her pajamas she was so excited.

'wake up daddies its time for school!' she chirped

'darling it is 5 in the morning you dont have to get up for another 3 hours,' i mumbled 

'i dont want to go back to sleep,' she moaned

'come lie with us jasmine,' louis said sleepily. Jasmine came and fidgited around eventually she fell back asleep but was up and ready to go. 

'Are you ready to learn?' i said to her

'yes yes yes yes!' she chirped

Louis gave a half-smile at her though he hardly did that anymore. 

'are both of you coming to drop me?' she aksed

'ofcoruse we wouldn't miss it for the world,' i said to her she looked excited

Last evening me and Louis had an argument he said even though he loved jasmine he didn't want to go and drop her becuase of the public attention i told him that he couldn't miss her first day it was really important.

'and aunty gemma is coming,' i said to her

'yay!' jasmine chirped

i did her hair in bunches and she looked cuter than ever and she wore the cute nursery unifrom because we sent her to a private preschool. 

Gemma came 

'harry you wont cry will you?' she said to me

'ill try not to its going to be wierd for Jasmine not to give me company all the time,' i said

'well atleast you have louis how are you louis?' Gemma said

'fine you?' louis said simply

'good,' gemma smiled. 

before we left Gemma insisted we took a picture of Jasmine, she stood by the door with her cute little lunchbox which had kittens on it (my choice ofcourse). 

we dropped her to the school gates and she gave us a massive hug.

'make lots of friends and have a good time jasmine,' i said to her

'i love you,' she said embracing us all in a hug

'you better go to your teacher Jasmine,' Louis siad

'hi im Mrs Mckenzie i will be your daughter's teacher,' she said shaking our hands

i saw the whole of jasmine's class staring at us, they looked shocked. Jasmine skipped to them.

'they look nice' Louis whisperd to me i think he was being sarcastic

'goodbye jasmine,' i said to her

'bye daddies!' she chirped

her whole class looked at each other strangley. 

i fought back tears as she skipped away with her class she was so happy i wish her smile would always.

'shes always going to be your little girl dont worry harry' louis smiled at me

'it feels like a second ago she was born now she's starting school times gone quick i am scared she wont need me as much soon enough,' i said

Teen dad (a larry stylinson fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें