chapter 32 - Fate

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The doctors after doing the last thing they could by using the refribulator once more said Harry's heartbeat was still slow and fading they said they would wait a fiftenn minutes and then pronounce him dead if he doesn't' get any better, Louis gulped he had already accepted the fate of the one he loved so much. Jasmine saw Louis crying and wiping his tears swiftly away as if his tears were something to hide, she came up to him and held his hand, louis couldn't believe jasmine was being braver than he was. 

'Its alright to cry even my dad does sometimes,' Jasmine said with her cute squeaky voice. 

Louis looked up to her and hugged her tightly. 

'we can get through this you and me okay? together we are invisincable,'Louia said hugging her tightly.

'daddy liked it when you hugged him like this,' Jasmine said which made Louis cry even more he probably wouldn't be able to hold harry ever again. 

the doctors came back.

'Are you giving up doctor?' 

'5 more minutes,' the doctor said

this made Louis' heart jerk could some miracle occur in 5 minutes? probably not...

louis was still dressed in his wedding outfit, Eleanor was very understanding but Louis worried would Eleanor go against their deal now that Louis was planning to start a relationship with Harry if he survived? probably not...

Louis walked up to the bed and held harry's hand and kissed it, and it started to move, louis was sure he saw it shake he wasn't imagining things.

'Doctor Doctor!' Louis called 

the doctors came rushing in, a water tank was attached to harry's arm and was injected into his skin, this was the hand that moved. 

'He moved he  moved,' Louis said a rush of hope washed through him. 

The doctor ran to chekc his heartbeat.

'oh my dear lord,' the doctor said 'its getting faster...' 

Louis felt adrenile rush through his skin he had never been so excited, he may be able to say the words he needed to say to Harry. 

the doctors pushed Louis out as they started to try and bring him back to life, now there was a possibility, a tiny shred of hope is so powerful. 

Louis was biting his nails nervously he began to look around. 

the doctor rushed out after 20 minutes smiling broadly, Louis was jumping with excitment. Gemma was watching the doctor intesnly. 

'My god this boy is a miracle, he has woken up...he has survived,' 

~ ~ ~  ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Louis and Gemma hugged each other and jumped up and down, Gemma was crying with happiness and Louis was in relief and shock he could barely believe it. 

'My baby is a fighter,' Louis said tears brimming through their eyes, the best bit was when they told jasmine who was so excited to see her father who she was told had gone to heaven. 

'He's a bit in a daze he was classified almost dead- he is in severe condition,' 

Louis was a bit nervous about seeing Harry...would Harry hate him?

'You may go and see him,' The doctor said

gemma and jasmine walked to the door, gemma looked back at a stationary Louis who was too scared to move, 

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