Chapter 25

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Bella's POV:

Blackness. That was all I could see. I didn't feel anything, I didn't hear a sound. I was just floating in the endless dark. But before I could start panicking I heard a deep voice.

"Task complete." That was all. This two little word what I was yearning to hear echoed in the dark. After that I started to hear voices. I didn't know who was talking or what the person was saying, but it was a relief that it wasn't just the darkness anymore.

After some time they started to make sense. "How much time?" Asked a melodic voice.

"It's almost over." A bell like voice answered which was familiar but I couldn't have told whose was it if they had beaten me till death with a bag of batteries.

After that it was quiet until I started to hear someone's steady breathing. I also became aware that probably that person was holding my hand tightly. I tried to move my fingers to squeeze back but I didn't know if it worked.

I wondered what happened with Edward. Was he okay? My last memory was him shouting and kneeling next to me. And after that? Nothing. Just this depressing blackness.

"I think it's time." The melodic voice said again and I could detect some excitement in it.

I heard soft movements fill the room. There were light steps and heavy ones. I seperated 8 different steps, plus there was someone next to me.

I tried to move again. I felt the heavy weight what was on me before slowly disappear. I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them.

I expected that the bright light would cause me to shut them again but it didn't make me uncomfortable the slightest. What I first saw was a ceiling. I was laying in a soft bed. I slowly sat up. I imagined myself like some dracula raising from a coffin after a hundred years long sleep.

Ahead of me I saw the forest through a window. I saw every detail of it. Every insect, all of the leaves, just like when I was an angel. I was mesmerised by the sight in front of me, I had never really appreciate it before.

Then someone squeezed my hand and I looked to my side with incredible speed. A human's neck would have probably broken from it.

My gaze landed on Edward and he smiled when our eyes met. He was beautiful just like always. "Hi love." He whispered lovingly and that was all it took for me. I lunged at him and he stumbled back as I hugged him around his neck. I buried my face into his neck and inhaled his scent.

His arms came up to my waist and hugged me tightly, but it didn't hurt, in fact probably I was the one who was causing him pain. But he didn't seem to care as he nuzzled his face into my hair. "Hi." I whispered back and his hold tightened around me. He kissed the top of my head as he murmured my name. I smiled against his neck.

Our perfect reunion was ruined by a throat clearing. We unwillingly turned to the others, though Edward never let go of me.

As I faced them my nerves shot up. What will they think? Will they hate me for causing pain to Edward? Before I could think of it too much a high pitched squeal pulled me out of my thoughts and the next thing I knew that I was on the ground with a pixie hugging the life out of me.

"Alice!" Edward growled and pulled her off me, then helped me up. When I was standing again Jasper was holding her around her waist while she was glaring at Edward.

"Sorry darling, but she is a new born vampire, she could be dangerous." Jasper rubbed her arms while I frowned. Was I really a vampire? Was it really over?

"She isn't as strong Jasper as you think." I heard a voice which I thought I would never hear again.

My eyes searched the room and my gaze landed on Twinkle and Sky. They were watching me with smiles.

"Surprise!" Sky cheered loudly. Twinkle rolled her eyes and looked at me with a bright smile.

"How?" I asked lost for words. I noticed that they were holding hands.

"Well, after you were sent back we started to talk more freely with each other because we learned each other's story about how we become angels when we had told you. And while we watched over you we got together and when Edward was dying.."

"What!?" I screeched loudly and turned to Edward. I looked over him searching for any injuries. There was fortunately none, but the thought of him gone made me want to crawl in a hole and die.

He probably saw how upset I was because he hugged me close to himself. "It's okay. I am here. You are here." He whispered in my ear. I hugged him to myself and buried my face into his neck. I was so close losing him over the past months and now when it was over the whole thing just broke me. I let out a little sob and his hold tightened. I heard the others leave and Edward moved onto the bed. I sat in his lap as he rubbed my back. "Shh, love, calm down. We will never be apart again. I promise. Please calm down. It's over." He whispered and he started to hum my lullaby.

That did the trick and soon I calmed down. We sat in silence for a while just enjoying each other's company. I was drawing patterns on his arm while he played with my hair.

He was truly perfect. He stayed with me when it was the worst and he still loved me. He never gave upon us.

"Thank you." I whispered and kissed his knuckle.

"For what?" He asked, confused.

"For not giving up." I answered. He just shook his head and kissed my forehead.

Then he made us stand up from the bed. This time I looked at him in confusion. He pulled out a little box from his pocket and slowly went down to one knee.

"Again?" I asked with venom in my eyes. Damn I couldn't cry.

"But this time time I am doing it in the right way." He smiled and I frowned.

"What do you mean-" I started but I was cut off.

"I should have never asked you to marry me as part of a bargain." He said and opened the box. I saw his mother's ring in it. "And I know that this isn't the best way either..." He trailed off and chuckled when I shot him a look what told him that he better not continue that sentence. "Bella Swan, you are the best thing in my life, you are my life. And that was just proved in the last months because without you I wasn't living. I was lost. Everything seemed meaningless and I never want to live like that again so will you marry me?" He asked and looked into my eyes.

His were full of love and promises. Promises of a happy forever. "Yes." Both of us smiled. "Yes! Of course! A thousands time yes!" He stood up and spinned me around. I laughed and held onto him tightly.

When he put me down he put the ring back to its rightful place. Edward smiled at me with joy. I couldn't remember when was the last time I saw him like this.

He leaned in the same time as me and our lips were barely an inch away when someone burst inside and separated us by hugging me forcefully.

"Can I? Can I? Can I?" Alice bounced up and down while holding my shoulders. She had a huge grin on her face. I glanced at the doorway where Sky, Twinkle and all the Cullens were watching us with smiles. Then my eyes locked with Edward's. He winked at me and shot me his crocked grin.

I finally turned back to Alice. "Yes, Alice. You can plan the wedding."


Thank you for reading it and sorry for the grammar mistakes. I hope you liked it.

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