Chapter 16

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Edward's POV:

I was heading home with Bella. This past hours were mind blowing. I got her back. She was with me again and then I almost lost her again. But after that we talked like we were never apart. We talked about everything what had hurt us this past month. I apologised several times for not realising sooner. She brushed it off, saying that I couldn't have known. But I still felt guilty. I was so focused on the agony that I didn't realise that she was right in front of me.

I was so stupid. If I had just talked to her normally for a few minutes I would have realised it. It was still shocking how many things happened after I had read the book.

When my brain finally grasped that Isa was Bella, I stormed out the house, ignoring my family's questions. Outside I started to track down Bella. Her scent leaded me to the cemetery. She wasn't there but I caught another whiff of her scent. I followed it and I found myself at an abandoned area of Forks. I saw her in a dark alley but she wasn't alone. She was with someone who looked exactly like me. I was outside the alley in the shadows when I heard the other male dark angel.

"We wait till she is defenceless." The two other dark angels were at the end of the street and they were coming toward me with a slow pace. They would notice me and I knew that then it would be over.

Quickly I entered the old abounded house which was next to the alley. I looked in those rooms which may had a window looking towards where Bella was standing in the alley.

"What the hell Edward?" I heard her sweet voice but it made my stomach drop with worry. Probably the dark angel started to show who he really was.

"You are so hopeless Isabella." I heard him hiss and it made me shudder. Finally I found a window what was boarded up. Blue light was shining through the gaps. I saw Bella too. She was standing in front of the window but she was probably looking at the dark angel.

"Well Isabella I hope you enjoyed your time on earth because it's over." I heard the raspy voice again and I knew there was no time for being slow. I stepped back and broke through the window. Pieces of wood fell to the ground as I pushed Bella down just in time. The lightning strucked a wall behind us.

When she said my name and hugged me I felt like I was home again. I couldn't say anything just her name. Our bubble was burst by the bastard who was still in my body. I wanted to protect Bella but she pulled me back. After that my world went black.

I heard distant noises but I couldn't make out any of them. When I opened my eyes again, I was against a wall and I saw Bella turning to the girl who in that moment jumped on her and shocked her with everything by her neck. That pulled me ot of the daze fully. I saw a knife on the floor next to me. It was made of some dark glass. I remembered reading of it in the book.

Without a second thought I grabbed it and stabbed the girl right between her wings. She immediately let Bella go, who fell to the ground.

I pulled the knife out of her and pulled Bella away. I watched as the girl fell into pieces and I also saw the male as he made his escape. Our gaze locked for a second and he looked at Bella then to me. He smirked and became a shadow.

After that all my thoughts were on Bella. I wanted to take her to Carlisle, maybe he would have known what to do. But Bella disagreed. She wanted to go to this lake. I listened to her becasue even I realised that Carlisle wouldn't have been able to help. But when we arrived I quickly realised that whatever should be there to help us it wouldn't work. And there I was sitting with my love in my arms and she was dying again.This time it was much more painful. I was slowly dying with her.

When I saw that the water erased the black from her neck. I thought I might pass out from the emotions. Hope and happiness filled me as I saw that her strength was returning. She was going to be okay. Being her clumsy self we, of course, landed in the lake somehow, but I didn't care.

For the rest of the night we stayed there just talking. When the Sun strted to get up I suggest we should leave because our family will be worried. Of course they didn't know that Isa was Bella but I knew.

When we were back they all looked at us strangely. I read it in their thoughts that they were hoping that I might actually be able to move on, expect Rose and Alice. Roaslie simply didn't care enough just noted my starnge behaviour and Alice was blocking me and was mostly looking at Bella.

My pixie sister didn't wait long, she pulled Bella out of the house to talk. I stood with the others awkwardly. But fortunantely Emmett broke the silence with some dumbass comment and the others laughed. I sat down next to him and watched TV.

Some talent show was on and Emmett was making fun of all the singers.

"I don't get it. They sing in their shower and they instantly think that they are America's new sweetheart." He said.

"You also sing in the shower." Said Jasper.

"Yeah but I sing well and it's fun until the shampoo goes into my mouth." He shuddered with a disgusted face.

The others laughed from his expression and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. It was a foreign sound coming from me these days. The others instantly stopped laughing and stared at me. I started to feel uncomfortable, but then they finally looked at each other with a smile.

That was when Alice and Bella entered. Bella looked like she was deep in thoughts. I wanted to ask her what did they talk about but there was no chance. Alice's thoughts were blank though. It wasn't like Bella's. I could read her mind but it was like there was nothing to read.

While I was downstairs I sometimes listened to my family's thoughts, they were blocking me from something. There was something what neither of them wanted me to know.

After some time I went up to my room. I didn't want to let out Bella of my sight but we needed to act like nothing happened. Thought the family knew something was up.

As I entered my room I smelled human blood. I looked around but I didn't see anything out of place. Until I entered my bathroom.

My eyes widened as I took in what was in front of me. A human's body was hunging from the ceiling.A pool of blood was under him. His clothes were full of holes and half of his right leg was ripped off. I didn't want to but I looked at his face. His neck was purple, his eyes were missing, there were just two black, bloody holes staring at me. He was paler then me and his arms where burned like Bella's was.

There was a map and our baseball clearing was circled with blood on it.

On the mirror behind him I saw a message written by blood.

This is what will happen to her if you don't come and meet me on the clearing, alone.


Thanks for reading it and sorry for the grammar mistakes. I hope you liked it.

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