Chapter 2

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Bella's POV

I felt like I was floating. I was lying something soft but I couldn't open my eyes to see what it was. I felt too tired to move my body. I just wanted to sleep.

That's when I heard whispers:

"Wake her up Twinkle, she has to get back there soon." I heard a male voice. I didn't want to wake up, I was comfortable like this.

"Okay, I'm on it." Said a gentle female voice. "Hey sleepyhead, wake up." This time the voice was a little bit louder but still soft.

"Mhmm" I mumbled. I was a little bit less tired now but I still couldn't open my eyes.

"Hey Bella wake up." Said the male voice now and
I guessed he was the one who shook me by my shoulder.

This time I could open my eyes. In front of me I saw two beutiful person. One was a boy with short light blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His cheekbones were high. He was quite tall and not very muscular. A little boyish. The other one was a girl who I assumed that her name was Twinkle. She was a bit taller than me. She was slim but she had curves at the right places. Her hair was black and long with natural waves. Her eyes were dark green. They had a sad smile on their lips.

When I looked away from them I gasped. This was the first time when I looked around truly. The soft thing what I was lying on was a cloud. The sun light was shining. It seemed like I was up in the sky but somehow different. But wait..

What I was doing here?

I looked back at the two person whit a confused look. And then I started to ask questions: "Who are you? What are you? Where am I? How did I get here? What am I doing here? Where are the Cul-"

"Woah! Woah! Calm down girl!" I was cut off by the boy. "One question at one time."

"He is right let's take this slow, okay?" The girl smiled at me and I nodded. "Right, my name is Twinkle and I am 19 years old. This is my friend Sky, he is 17 years old. We will tell you later what are we."

I waited for her to continue but this time Sky spoke: "Bella, do you know what happened to you before you fell asleep?"

"Of course, I was driving home from the Cullens." But how did I end up here? I thought to myself. It didn't make any sense.

"Do you remember anything else what happened to you after you arrived home?" Sky asked. And I saw a little worry in his eyes.

At first I wanted to say 'no' but then I thought about it. What happened? I arrived home, I went inside, I heard Charlie scream and two shots. Then I think I saw Edward before I... Before I di- died.

But I can't be dead! This has to be a dream! A very bad dream, a nightmare.

I looked at them with a horrified expression."Did I.. Did I-" I took a deep breath before I continued. "died?" They just looked at me with sadness and a bit worry.

And I knew the answer. I was dead.

"No! No. No, no no no... That can't be true!" I shouted in disbelief. No that can't be true. Or can? I am dead? This isn't a nightmare? OMG. I am dead. I am dead... Oh no what will Edward do now?! He probably wants to go to the Voulturi because now he doesn't think I am dead. He knows it. But his family will not let him die. I am sure about that. That thought gave me a little hope that he will continue living.

But I couldn't bear with the thought that I would never see the Cullens, Renée and Charlie again. Charlie.. wasn't he there when I was shot? I remember his scream, then two shots. What does that mean? Is he dead too? Is he alive? I was so cofused, scared and hopeless. I lost everybody I love. Now have no one to comfort me or at least talk to. I miss Edward. I really do. I miss his smile, his eyes, his beautiful face. I miss hearing his laugh and he telling me that he loves me. Thinking of him it was too much pain. It broke my heart.

Then I heard sobs. I didn't realised that I was crying until I felt tears streaming down my face. A moment later Twinkle was beside me and and she pulled me into a hug.

"Shh, Bella, stop crying. Everything will be all right."

"What do you mean Twinkle? How do you think this will be all right after what happened? I died. And I will never see my love of my life again." I spoke between sobs.

"Well you see, that's why you are awake." This time Sky was the one who spoke. I looked at him and in his eyes I saw sadness and tiny bit of hope.
Hope? Hope for what? Hope for me? Maybe there's a way I can go back to Edward?! My hope started rising but then I quickly vanished it. It would be too good to be true. "You are in heaven now Bella, but you shouldn't be here. You should be living on Earth with Edward and his family, you should be a vampire. It was your destiny. But something obviously gone wrong in fate because you are dead. Also yours and Edward's bond is too strong to simply destroy it like this. So that's why you have a chance to go back to your life."

I couldn't stop myself from hoping anymore. I have a chance to go back to Edward. I have a... chance? What did he mean by that?

"What did you mean by a 'chance'?"

He sighed and had an unsure expression on his face. "You know Bella it isn't easy to send back dead people to live on Earth-" I gulped because it was unusual to think about myself as a dead person."but it's much harder for the person to stay on Earth. Because 3 things are different when the person gets back."

Thanks for reading it.
Sorry about the grammar mistakes.

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