Chapter 3

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"You know Bella it isn't easy to send back dead people to live on Earth but it's much harder for the person to stay on Earth. Because 3 things are different when the person gets back."


Bella's POV

I stared at him in confusion. He didn't continued. I looked at Twinkle who was staring at Sky with an annoyed expression. Who was looking around like nothing unusual is happening.

I waited ten seconds then I decided I couldn't take this anymore. "Um Sky?" I asked in a sweet voice.

"Yes?" He asked like we weren't in a serious conservation a few moments ago.

"Would you actually tell me what are the 3 things before I go nuts?!" I asked annoyed and a little bit an angry tone.

"Okay, okay. I was just enjoying the dramatic pause." He grinned and winked at me. I rolled my eyes while Twinkle just shook her head with a small smile on her lip. "Anyway like I said 3 things are changen. First you will be a white angel when you go back to Earth. Second: you will have to fight with the dark angels. And third: nobody will recognise you."

I stared at him in shock, pain and confusion. I was in shock because what he just told me. And I felt pain because if Edward doesn't recognise me that means we will never be together as we used to. At last I felt confused because I didn't get what's the point of me returning if he doesn't recognise me, if nobody does.

I didn't know how much time past until Twinkle spoke up. "I think you have a few questions."

"Do you think so?" I said sarcastically.

"Then let's get on with it." Said Sky.

"Okay can you just explain the 3 changes?"

"Okay so let's start with the first one." Twinkle looked at me and I noded. "We are white angels Bella, but we couldn't stay on Earth"

"What does it mean that you are a white angel?"

"Well we are immortal, we drank blood but only from animals, we are faster and stronger than vampires. We can fly and most of us have strong powers. Literally our only enemies are the dark angels" Sky said with a frown.

"Okay and who are these dark angels?" I asked a little bit unsure that I wanted to know the answer.

Twinkle sighed and answered. "Dark angels symbolise death. Their powers are connected to evil and most of the time aren't as strong as ours. They are as fast and strong as us and they can fly also. Their only goal is to mess up the good people's fate. And-" I cut her of.

"You mean I am dead because dark angels messed up my fate?"

"Yes. You see they are dead. They are from Hell. And it isn't easy to set the future up when there are already dead people in it."

"And I have to fight with these guys?" I gulped. I couldn't imagine my clumsy self fighting with such a powerful creatures.

"Yes, you have to protect the Cullens, and destroy them, so they don't do more damage." Said Sky with a determined expression.

"How should I do that if they don't remember me?" I asked with a pained voice.

"Oh, they remember you, they just don't recognise you. They would see you a little bit different. And you have to figure that out alone." Twinkle said this with a reassuring face.

I thought through what did they just told me. So, I will become a white angel and go back to Earth, protect Edward and his family from the dark angels while they don't recognise me. Fabulous, note the sarcasm. But some information was still missing.

"What's the point of me going back?"

"Well.. you have a month to destroy the dark angels and get Edward to fall in love with you again." Sky said with an uneasy glance.

"What happens if I fail?" I asked with fear in my voice.

"You will become one of us, you will have to stay in heaven and you will never can return to Earth again." That was it, that was the piece of information that put me through the edge. I felt lost and already hopeless. How on earth would I get Edward to fall for me when he sees someone else? I know he wouldn't betray me like that. I felt sobs shaking my body. I looked at the angels in front of me with tears in my eyes and then a thought come to me.

"Does that mean that you guys failed?" I saw pain twisting their faces and I instantly felt worse and regret for not thinking sooner. "I am so sorry! I didn't think! You don't need to answer." I added with a shaky voice.

"No Bella it's okay." Said Twinkle like she didn't care much about it, but I saw the pain in her eyes. She sighed and started to tell her story. " I was born in 1856. My family was well known and rich. I was a 19 years old teenager and me and my friends wanted to have some fun so we went to a bar. There I saw a really handsome man. He intruduce himself and we talked all night. After midnight when me and my friends were ready to go home he said that he would walk me home. I accepted it. As we were walking he suddenly pulled me in a dark alley and threw me to the wall. He looked at me with a crazy smile on his face he winked and broke my neck." With that she reached and touched her neck, probably where that bastard had broke it. "After that I woke up just like you. They told me that he messed it up because that night I was supposed to meet my love of my life. But he distracted me from him. I had to kill that devil and get the guy to fall in love with me. But it's kind of hard when he thinks that he loves someone else." She whispered the last sentence I almost missed it. She was gazing over my shoulder, she was probably reliving the memorise.

Maybe after 5 minutes she looked at me. "But I don't know. When I talked to him he was perfect like he was made for me, but somehow odd. I don't." She whispered with a confused look.

"Well I tell you my story too, okay?" He asked. I nodded, but I wasn't sure I wanted to hear it after Twinkle's. "I was born in 1887. I already met my love and we were happily engaged. My family wasn't the richest people but we lived well enough. One night me and my fincée was walking around the city when a scary man appeared in front of us. He instantly attacked me and ripped me to shreds. Right in front of her eyes! How could she felt about it. My task was to kill the man, what I did with pleasure. The other one was, to make my love happy again. But, after the attack she got dameged by mentally. When I talked to her she didn't remember me. She screamed and said she saw the devil coming for her. Eventually she ran off. I don't know where she ended up, because my time was up by then." He wispered and flinched, cause of the pain.

I looked the two angels in front of me and hugged both of them. They first seemed suprised and tensed, because of my hug, but eventually they hugged me back. Probably it was a long time when someone hugged them. They went threw so much pain, but they were still able to laugh. They were really true angels.

After a few minute of hugging we pulled away. Sky smiled at me. "Okay enough of the heavy stuff! We don't need you to be more hopeless." He said and I grimaced while Twinkle pushed him by his shoulder.

"You are an idiot." She stated like she just said that the Sun is shining.

"But you like it." Twinkle just rolled her eyes but I saw she was trying to hold back a smile.

"Anyway, Bella do you have other questions? "She asked.


I changed their age. Twinkle is 19 years old and Sky is 17.

Sorry I didn't update and for the grammar mistakes.

Thanks for reading it.

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