Chapter 24| The End

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Stan's POV

I pushed the surprisingly unlocked door open to see the unlit and messy hotel room. The bathroom door had been removed and thrown to the floor as well as furniture being pushed out of place. I then looked over to see Kyle standing over his mother's body. In his left hand he bore a small table lamp that was still plugged into the wall, based on how he held it he must've just hit his mother. His father stood next to her limp body shakily and started to back away.

"Kyle!" I called out as I ran towards him. I threw my arms around him and squeezed him tightly. "St-Stan! Thank God you're here!" Kyle cheered out as he dropped the lamp to the floor and hugged me back. I then pulled away, about to kiss him when I realized that his parents still did not know of our relationship. As much as I wanted to just grab and kiss him right now it is on his call. "Wh-what happened to your mom?" I asked nervously.

"She was screaming and swinging her fists around violently so I hit her with the lamp out of fear," Kyle explained sheepishly. I looked back to Kyle's father angrily and prepared to scold him. "Why the fuck would you tear your sons away from their lives because one of them is gay?! What is wrong with you?!" I started to yell. "Honestly Stan, I didn't want to move away. I don't agree with the lifestyle Ike has chosen and I don't want the same to happen to Kyle but moving away wasn't going to do anything," Kyle's dad began to explain. "Why can't you just fucking accept them?!" I asked angrily.

"What do you mean them?" Kyle's dad asked suspiciously. I felt Kyle slap the back of my head. Crap... "Look, you're blind if you don't see it. Kyle is gay, Ike is gay, so what! They are both nice and genuine people! God isn't gonna send them to hell or whatever just because they like men!" I yelled in defense. "In the Torah God says that it isn't right for two men to be together! I don't want my sons to be punished because they chose to be gay!" he argued. "Doesn't God love everyone? Doesn't God accept everyone? Why are gays an exception?!" I asked angrily.

"The Torah clearly states that they will be punished!-" "Enough arguing!" Kyle interrupted. "Look dad, I know you don't like that I'm gay and I know that you just want to help you really think that beating up your kids is helping the-" "I never hit Ike," Kyle's father interrupted. "Bullshit! You hit him when we told you he was cutting classes with Firkle and when you got drunk!" I yelled. "Shelia hit Ike that time and I never actually hit Ike when I got drunk, I held him down for Shelia..." he admitted shamefully.

"You're still an abusive asshole who's going to fucking prison for-for all this shit!" I yelled. "Wait," Kyle interrupted. "Dad, I know you're just trying to help us and I know this all you know how to do. You've just been taking mom's orders in fear of what would happen if you didn't. But you don't have to be mom's slave, you don't actually hate gays do you?" Kyle asked. "We-well the Torah says-" "I know what the fucking book says dad. What do you actually think?" Kyle asked again. "You're a good person Kyle, as well as Ike. I suppose just because you like men that doesn't mean you're a horrible person," he replied.

"See, you've just been letting mom brainwash you! She doesn't know jackshit! Why don't you bring us home, and we go back to our lives. Only this time, you raise us," Kyle suggested. "Are you really suggesting that I raise you and Ike by myself?" he asked. "You're gonna have to. That bitch has been abusing her kids, she's going to prison," I said, pointing at her unconscious body. "I guess I could do that," Kyle's father said.

"Really? Thank God! Can we go home now then?" Kyle asked tiredly. I pecked him on the cheek and put my arm around him. "Yeah, let's go. But first let's arrest this bitch," I said, kicking her body. Kyle's father pulled out his cellphone and dialed 911. He began to explain the situation to the police as I started to kiss Kyle's neck. "Stan stop it," Kyle giggled playfully. "Make me," I replied followed by me placing my lips against his. It had been forever since I've kissed Kyle and he had become almost like a drug to me. I needed him constantly and when I don't have him I'm depressed and angry. He's like heroin. (anyone for the SWS reference?)

"The police are on their way to arrest Shelia. I did love her but...I'm really ready for this to end. The spark has been gone for a while now and I'm finally ending this hell of a marriage," Kyle's father explained. "That's good, can we pick up Ike from that retarded gay camp too? I bet Firkle misses him," Kyle said. "Firkle really does. He stormed off though so I'm not sure where he is," I replied.

Kyle's mother then started to groan as she tried to sit up. Kyle's father grabbed her arm and pulled her up. "I'll bring her outside to explain," he said before dragging her out of the room. I looked at Kyle deviously, I knew this situation was kinda sad but I'd been without him for a while now. "Stan, what's with that look?" Kyle asked playfully. "I just missed you that's all," I replied as I stepped closer to him. "I missed you too," Kyle said sweetly as he leaned towards my face. Our lips connected for a long sweet kiss before he pulled away. "It's funny," he started with a laugh.

"What is?" I asked confusedly. "Only a month or so ago you were bullying the gay kids and being an asshole and now look at you. You can't get enough of me, your very gay boyfriend," he laughed. "Yeah it is a really weird love story isn't it," I replied. "Yeah but it's pretty damn sweet," Kyle said as he sat down on the bed. "It could get sweeter," I said seductively as I pinned him against the bed. Kyle simply laughed and placed his hands behind my back. "I love you Stan," Kyle said. I leaned down and pecked him on the lips. "I love you too," I replied.

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