Chapter 22| Locked In

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Kyle's POV

I slammed my fists against the bathroom door and started to scream louder. "Let me out!" I yelled in fury. I had tried to make my escape but my mother caught me. She locked me in the bathroom by propping up the rather large bookcase on the other side of the door. "Can anyone hear me?!" I screamed, trying to grasp the attention of someone near by. No one would respond so I started to loose hope. "Their buying the house right now..." I muttered to myself. I was unbelievably angry and hurt right now, I wanted to scream. So I did.

I screamed and ponded and the door, attempting to even break it. I grabbed the soap dish off the counter and jabbed it at the doorknob, hoping I would break something. Nothing would prevail and I continued to bang on the door. "IS ANYONE FUCKING HERE?!" I screamed in rage. My throat grew sore from screaming all morning and I dropped to my knees. I caught up on my breath and looked around the bathroom for something useful. I kept pondering ideas but nothing seemed useful enough. Where were my parents now?! Well...more like my mother.

There seemed to be some sort of rift between them now. I don't know whether or not it's related to the fact that Ike is gay but it kinda sucked. Not that I like them anyway father just seemed so distant from my mother who was just a reck right now. Maybe this gay thing was driving them apart because they were so angry all of the time. Then again, my father doesn't really seem very angry; if anything he just listens to what my mother tells him and does it. He hasn't screamed at Ike or I in quite the while.

In the back of my head I'm hoping he's like this because he actually accepts us for who we are and, unlike mom, still cares about us and doesn't want to try and revert Ike back. Common sense is telling me that's not true and that my dad is still a gay hating jerk but I just wanted some hope right now. Speaking of which I wonder if Stan's trying to find me...or maybe he's given up on me. I wouldn't be surprised if he has, I've been pretty burdensome lately.

After staring a the door for a while an idea popped into my head. If I could pull the bars out of the hinges I could literally pull the door off. I stood on my tip toes and reached up to the top hinge. It took a lot of effort but I managed to pull the bar out from between the hinges. A grin crept onto my face from success and I proceeded to mess with the bottom hinge until I pulled out the other bar. I then grabbed the doorknob and proceeded to pull the door out of the door frame and lean it up against the wall.

Quickly, I darted to the phone and dialed Stan's number which thankfully I had finally remembered. I waited for the him to pick up the phone which he inevitably did. "Hello?" he answered. "Stan! It's me," I replied. "Oh my God! Kyle where the fuck are you?!" Stan asked in anticipation. "Irin's Inn in Denver but I won't be here for long. I'm leaving right now," I replied. "No! Stay there so I can get you," he argued. "Stan I'm leaving right now! I don't need to you to save me anymore," I replied in an angry tone.

"Fine, where are we meeting?" he asked. "At your house, I'm about to leave now," I explained. "I'm on the bus to Denver right now with Firkle," he said. "How'd you know I was in Denver?" I asked in confusion. "A homeless guy told me-" Stan's voice was cut off and Firkle's interrupted. "Where's Ike? Is he ok?" Firkle asked with worry. I could hear Stan yelling at him to give his phone back in the background. "Our parents sent him to a gay camp. I don't know which one I'm sorry," I explained empathetically.

"Oh..." Firkle said sorrowfully before Stan snatched the phone back. "Sorry about him, stay in the hotel lobby or something so I can meet up with you," Stan explained. Before I could answer I heard the door open and my parents walk in. My mother glared at me in horror and shock. "Kyle!" she yelled in pure anger. I slammed the phone down and looked at her with rage. "I'm not staying here with you! I'm going home now!" I stated clearly and fiercely. "I am your mother and I say what you do and where you go!" she screamed as she threw her purse down.

"Shelia, let's just go back to South Park," my father suggested. "Gerald! You know why we moved! We are NOT moving back!" my mother argued. "They're obviously unhappy! What we've been doing is wrong and we should just bring them back home," he replied in a much calmer tone than my mother. "We need them away from those bad influences!" she yelled. "I don't agree with Ike being gay either but we can just tear Kyle from his life!" my father altercated. "We are staying here!" my mother screamed somewhat hysterically as she pushed my father against the door.

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