Chapter 20| Seriously Sean

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Stan's POV

I sat in my room solemnly wondering what my parents were discussing downstairs. They were having some sort of heated argument about the gun and me. I heard someone walk up the stairs and open my door. Shelley stood there in her stupid 6 inch heels with her arms crossed as she glared at me. "What?!" I asked angrily. "You tried to shoot dad!" she yelled. "I wasn't actually gonna shoot him..." I replied in a saddened tone. "What's wrong with you lately? You've been acting like a spoiled dick!" she exclaimed. "Look you wouldn't understand," I replied stressfully.

"Bullshit Stan, your problems aren't special," she said in a somewhat sassy voice. "Can you just go away!" I yelled in frustration. "Fine, but just so you know I'm gonna be home all day tomorrow so don't even think about ditching!" she yelled back as she slammed my door shut. Why did she have to do stupid fucking online college?! Why didn't she move to Boston like she planned?! Fucking MIT not taking in my damn sister...I HATE YOU! If she's gonna be here all day I won't be able to ditch and go to Denver! Why am I so fucking stupid?!

I lied on my bed and started to screw around on my phone. Watching random YouTube videos normally makes me feel better so I started to watch Onision videos. I continued to waste my time trying to forget about how angry and upset I was at everything. I suddenly got a text from an unknown number. I clicked on my messages app and looked at the number. I hadn't the vaguest idea of who it was. 'I want Kyle' it read. What the fuck is with people trying to steal my bae?! Who could this be?

Well let's see, two people who've taken an interest in Kyle are Sean and Felix. But Bebe had a crush on him when we were little and she's on the rebound because she broke up with Clyde. Actually it could be pretty much anyone because I literally have the best boyfriend ever. I started to type a response. 'Who is this?' I asked. I sat there and watched those three little dots until the message sent. 'U no who it is' they replied with horrible grammar. I sighed angrily and asked them again. 'Who are you?' I typed once again.

'Bitch it's me!' they replied. I shut off my phone not caring who this was. It was most likely a prank and even if it wasn't Kyle would never leave me. I left my phone on the far corner of my bed and tried to think of a way to avoid that bitch when I sneak out of the house tomorrow. As my thoughts wandered my brain I heard my phone buzz several times in the corner. Jesus Christ they don't give up do they... I groan and reach over to grab my phone. As I pick up the phone and read through the texts I start to get suspicious.

'Where is he?!?!?' 'Is he at ur house?!' 'I'm gonna kill u if he's at ur fucking house!' 'I'm coming bitch!' they read. They're coming to my house?! What the fuck is wrong with them?! I started to type a reply. 'Dude wtf?! Kyle's not here....why were you at his house?!' I texted. I then eagerly waited for a reply but it didn't come. Kyle's house was very close to mine so he's going to be here really soon. I'm not worried or anything I can beat up Bebe, Felix and Sean.

I waited a few minutes and then heard pounding on my front door. I then got up and walked out of my room followed by walking down the stairs. My mother who was in the kitchen walked into the living room and pointed at the stair case. "Go upstairs you're grounded!" she scolded. "Uhh mom this person's kinda here for me," I explained. "You're grounded! You can't have anyone-" "Open the fucking door Stan!" the guy yelled from outside. He sounded familiar but I just couldn't pin point who it was. "Stanly who the hell is at the door?!" my mother asked angrily.

I ignored her and opened the front door. Sean was standing there and there was something completely off with him. "Sean what the fuck?!" I asked angrily. "Where the fuck is Kyle?!" he asked angrily. "Are you on drugs?!" I asked in shock. "That doesn't matter! Where's Kyle?!" he yelled, pushing me into the house. "Stanly who the hell is this?!" my mother asked angrily. "Some jackass I met at a party once," I replied. "Where the fuck is Kyle?!" Sean asked again. "I don't know now get out! You're too high to be around!" I yelled.

After (Stan x Kyle)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz