Chapter 80

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Harry's P.O.V

The atmosphere in the bedroom was tense. Our eyes were on the white envelope resting between us as we sat cross legged on the bed. Tahira pushed the envelope towards me

"You open it. I can't look." She said and then covered her face with her hands, but separated her fingers to peek at me, making me smile slightly but I picked up the envelope anyway.

Carefully opening it, I took out the folded paper from inside. Tahira was looking at the paper with uncertainty in her eyes while I gave her an encouraging smile

"It'll be alright." I said and she nodded slowly, pulling her hands away from her face and she sighed "You're right. Read what it says." She instructed and I unfolded the paper.

As I read on, I tried to keep my face expressionless and Tahira fidgeted with her hair in nervousness "What does it say?" She asked with hesitation and weariness present in her voice but then I dropped my act and a big grin came on my lips.

"You got in!" I said, excitement and pride in my voice and her eyes widened "I did?" She asked and scrambled over to me, reading the acceptance letter in my hand.

The acceptance letter to a medical college she wanted to attend this year.

Her shoulders sagged, relief of getting in the college was obvious in her posture and I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her to my chest and she rested her head against it.

"See? I told you there's nothing to worry about." I whispered and she looked up at me with a small smile

"You're my husband. It's your job to support me." She said and I raised an eyebrow "Oh yeah?" I asked and she nodded with the same smile but then her face scrunched up and loud laughter came out of her lips as a grin came on mine

"Harry, stop!" She said loudly and I chuckled but nonetheless stopped attacking her sides with my fingers. She panted slightly, laughing and giggling once in a while but I just wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her on my lap "You have got to stop doing that." Tahira said and I chuckled, placing a kiss on her crown and then burying my nose in the same spot.

"It wouldn't be fun if I did."

Life got a little hectic when Tahira started attending college. The first few months went smoothly but then exam time came near, completely changing the atmosphere at home.

There were days when she came home completely exhausted and dead tired, so I usually got a nice, warm bubble bath ready for her before she got home and while she relaxed, I made us dinner. Though, there were days I'd find her asleep in the tub, when I couldn't find her anywhere in the flat after I'd call her that dinner is ready and get no response.

I wished I could help her through this, but she said that it'll take some time to get used to, then she'll be fine from the whole exhaustion routine.

Our first anniversary arrived sooner than I would have thought it would. After celebrating Louis' birthday, I took Tahira for a vacation, without any of those books of hers so that she could relax completely.

Well, taking her back to her home country to visit her family wasn't as relaxing as I thought it would be. It had been a year since Tahira had met them again, occasional phone talks and Skype calls did happen, but it wasn't the same as meeting them in person. So it was easy to say that she, and I, were very popular in the households. And very busy meeting everyone.

Before I knew it, I was back on tour with the boys. At first, it was hard sleeping without having Tahira in my arms like I had gotten used to, or even waking up to see her face right next to mine on the same pillow.

And so, when we had a concert in London, I went back home to my wife. And it was amazing. Sleeping in the familiar bed, with my wife back in my arms, it was simply bliss after being gone for four months.

She was surprised to see me when she opened the door to the flat. Her eyes had widened as if they didn't believe I was standing there, right in front of her. But then she jumped into my open arms, obviously missing me as much as I had missed her.

"When are you coming back home?" Tahira's voice rang out through the phone a month later and I smiled slightly

"We have a small break. I'll be home tomorrow. I've told you this before." I said but didn't get an excited reply like I thought I would... Actually, I didn't get a reply at all "Tahira? You there, love?" I asked a few seconds later and heard her hm.

"Yeah, sorry. Just got lost in thoughts for a while." She said and I frowned "Is everything alright?" I asked

"Somewhat... I need to tell you something. Face to face." She said and I felt myself frown even more, a sense of curiosity filling me.

When I walked into the flat the next day, I was surprised to see Tahira's head poking out of the armrest since she should be in college right now. Dread filled me and I quickly walked over to her.

She wasn't sleeping but just laying down. Her eyes looked like she was deep in thought, legs bent and arms wrapped around her stomach tightly.

"Tahira? What's wrong, love?" I asked, kneeling down on the floor in front of her and she looked up at me as if I startled her. She sat up then, taking my hands in hers, she placed them on her thighs and gave out a sigh

"Yesterday... I... I fainted during a class."

"What? Are you okay? Have you been having your meals properly? Did you get hurt?" I asked rapidly, concern present in my voice and she smiled slightly

"I'm as good as I can get at the moment. One of the classmates caught me before I hit the ground though, from what others told." She said and I sighed in relief. Releasing one hand from hers, I cupped her cheek and she leaned into my palm with a sigh

"I'm glad you're alright." I said and she looked up at me hesitantly making me frown "There's something more to it, isn't it?" I asked and she nodded slowly

"The doctors on campus checked up on me. Once I woke up and... they found something... something happening inside me." She said wearily and I felt a sense of fear take over me. Looking my my expression she shook her head "Nothing bad. But," she took a deep breath and looked at me in the eyes

"I'm pregnant, Harry."


AN: Too soon? Expected or not? Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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