Chapter 53

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Harry's P.O.V

I felt my eyes widen "Oh my God!" I breathed out and Tahira looked towards me in a confused manner "What?"

"We're getting married!" I exclaimed and she laughed slightly "Yeah, we are." She chuckled and I laughed along with her, disbelief and excitement present in our laughter.

"What's gotten you both so happy today?" Louis asked when we met up in Niall's room. After talking to our parents and having our lunch, we decided we should tell everyone about this, that being the boys and Sophia.

"Yeah. After what happened today, I would've thought you would've been angry with Harry when we see you." Niall said and Tahira chuckled at that.

"Oh, she was angry alright. But I think they have solved their issue now." Sophia said and we nodded, laughing slightly.

"Well, not only that, there's something we need to tell you all." I said and they all looked at us curiously "What?" They asked and I looked at Tahira who nodded towards me

"We're getting married!"

They all rolled their eyes at that "We already know that, Harry." Louis said but Liam frowned before his eyes widened "You both have decided on a date, haven't you?"

They all froze at Liam's statement. Their heads snapping towards us in question while Tahira blushed slightly, giving them the answer.

"Oh my God!"

"When is the date?"

"How are you getting married?"

We looked at Liam confused, and Tahira and I exchanged confused looks "Excuse me?" I asked and he sighed 

"Well, obviously our marriage rituals are different from Tahira's. So how are you getting married?" Liam asked again and I made a thinking face

"Well, I think we'll have to think about that. At the moment we've just decided on the date." I said and Niall frowned

"But didn't you just say that getting married right now is going to be stressful? What changed your mind?" I sighed

"Yeah but there are... things I just found out that changed it." I said and Tahira frowned a bit but then I shook my head at her

"So, when is the date?" Sophia asked and Tahira smiled slightly

"Thirty-first." She said and I continued


"That's like in four months! Isn't this a bit soon?" Louis asked and I shrugged "We consulted our parents about this and in the end, I think the sooner, the better."

"What about the management? And the fans?" Liam asked and I rubbed the back of my neck but Tahira was the one who replied

"We were actually thinking of keeping quiet about this. John has already threatened to force Harry to end our engagement. So keeping quiet is the best thing to do at the moment. From everyone."

They gaped at us in disbelief but I nodded in confirmation "He's not really happy that Tahira has been protesting on this baby drama." I said and Louis shook his head

"Well if that's the case, I couldn't agree more with you." He grinned and I chuckled. The other three, agreeing soon after that.

"Have you thought of who you're going to invite?" Sophia asked and I nodded "A few family members, Paul and his family, Louise and Tom, you all, Zayn and I think that's all we have at the moment, and a few friends."

"Yeah... We don't really want a big wedding... Having our piracy for this is all we want." Tahira said.

"And the preparations?" Liam asked and my smile fell a bit.

"I'm actually going back tomorrow. I still have to do some things before I head to college." Tahira said and they frowned before sighing.

"The preparations though, we'll need to use specific times to disguise what we are actually doing. Or disguise ourselves." I said and they nodded in understanding.

"But aren't you still young? I mean you're turning nineteen this year." Sophia asked Tahira and she shrugged "My age doesn't matter to me. I mean, I've heard it's better to get married young. So yeah, not really bothered by it."

They gaped at her and she chuckled "It's not that big of a deal. I've read about people getting married right after graduating school. So, I don't see how my case is any different. Even though it's like half a year after graduating." She laughed slightly at that and they exchanged looks before laughing with Tahira.

I stood at the airport the next day, to drop Tahira off for her flight to London. She was wearing one of her suits, it was a pale blue one and only had the shirt embroidered. She said it was really comfortable for travelling at times for long distances.

"Do you really have to go now?" Sophia asked and Tahira nodded with a slight chuckle. "I really do, Soph. But I'll see you when you come back to London."

Sophia pouted and Tahira laughed. It made me happy to see her happy. Even though I was sad to see her go, I knew she had to do this for herself.

"Alright. But call me once you land. And I mean call me first. Not this idiot." Sophia pointed towards me and Tahira laughed while I pouted

"Hey! That's not fair." I protested making them both laugh at me and I let out a small chuckle "Alright, Sophia. You win... this time." I said making Sophia grin while Tahira shook her head in laughter

"I'm so popular." Tahira joked and we chuckled slightly. That was when Tahira's flight was called and our happy mood dropped.

Sophia gave Tahira a tight hug "Guess I'll see you later." She whispered and Tahira hugged Sophia back "You will." She whispered back and they broke their hug before turning towards me

"Goodbye, Harry." Tahira said and I gave her a sad smile "Goodbye, Tahira."

She turned around then, pulling her suitcase behind her and that's when my phone rang. The ID flashing 'John' and I groaned before picking it up and walking away from Sophia

"Where are you!?" John shouted and I cringed, pulling the phone away from my ear

"Dropping Tahira at the airport. She's going back to London." I said and heard him sigh "Well that's that. Preston called saying your missing from soundcheck."

Oh... "I told the boys to inform Preston about this. They must have forgotten." I said and he sighed just as a voice shouted

"Harry! Watch out!" Tahira?

I turned around and saw her running towards me, eyes wide, fear evident on her face and that's when I realised where I was standing.

The road.

I heard the screeching of tyres and as I looked in the direction they were coming from, my eyes widened when I realised it was too late to move out from the way of the out of control car.

I closed my eyes tightly just as I felt the car impact with my body. Flying in the air, I landed on the roof, my shoulders and back aching from the impact. Rolling down the trunk of the car, I felt my head burst in pain as I landed on the cold hard road, last thing I hear being Tahira's horrified scream.



AN: Well, I did say I had mean surprises for you guys... Don't say I didn't warn you. Next chapter is already written so you won't have to wait long for it. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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