Chapter 6

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Harry's P.O.V

"Harry, c'mon, bro. We just came to see how you were doing here." Niall said. I raised my head up and looked at him in the eye.

"You wanted to see how I was doing here? I'm doing better than I did in the band! You wanted to hear that!?" I lied and Niall slouched with a disappointed face.

Louis' face turned red and I quickly covered my ears just as he shouted. "Watch what you say to us, Harry! It's because of him we are here." I laughed bitterly.

"It's because of him I'll be fired!" I glared at him, then moved my gaze on all of them. "I think that would be better, wouldn't it? A solo career without you all on my case!"


I saw Tahira standing at the door looking a bit confused. I smiled inside at how cute she looked at that moment. "Yeah?"

"I heard shouting. Is everything okay?" I smiled at her even though she didn't see it. The boys eyes widened but I ignored them, concentrating on Tahira instead.

"Yes. Everything's fine."

"Okay... We are going to be late for Chemistry. C'mon!" She said just as the bell rang and I followed her without looking at the boys.

Liam's P.O.V

"Were my eyes imagining or did Harry just genuinely smile at the girl?" I asked and the boys nodded in agreement. 

"I think this is going to work for him. Bring the old him back." Niall said and I felt my heart ache for him. Even though Harry is just shouting at him all the time, he's still not giving up on him.

"Maybe, Nialler. But I don-" I got cut off as my phone started blaring in my pocket.

Taking it out, the screen flashed 'Uncle Si'. "Damn, it's Simon." I said and they flashed me a worried look. Hesitantly, I picked the call. "Hey, Simon..."

"Where are you boys!?" He shouted and I flinched a bit but let the silence hang between us. "You're with him, aren't you? You found where Harry is. Am I right?"

"Partly...? He's not with us right now but we've met." I said truthfully and he sighed. I could tell he was rubbing his face right now.

"Whose idea was this?"

"Mine." I quickly said as I didn't want Niall to get into trouble.

"Here's what you are going to do, Liam. I will let the fans know you are still here in London with the rest of the boys and you just have this month to see Harry's progress. Is that understood? After that I want you all back without a fuss."

"Really!? Thanks, Simon!" I said, glad that we weren't in trouble.

"And tell Niall that he's okay with us." He added making my eyes widen a bit. I mumbled an 'Okay.' and hung up.

"What did he say?" Zayn asked and I smiled a bit.

"We can stay here for the month but we have to leave without a fuss after the month is up. And, Niall, he says you're okay." I said and he just smiled.

"Uh, Liam, don't you have a class to go to?" Louis said and my eyes widened in alarm.

"Oh sh-"

"Here's a pass." Zayn said handing me a slip and I thanked them before running out of the room.

"May I come in?" I asked the teacher standing in front of the board. She raised an eyebrow up at me.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Leeroy James." I heard snickers but ignored them. "I had to stay back in the English class. I've got a note from the new teacher as well." I said as I handed it to her and she nodded after looking at it.

"Don't be late again, Mr. James. You can take your seat."

I muttered a small 'Thank you.'. My eyes immediately landed on my bandmate.

He was sitting in the front row with the girl by his side on the next desk. I took the empty seat behind him but he completely ignored me.

Harry's P.O.V

It wasn't until lunch that Liam wasn't there with me. He had taken all the classes I did, even tried to talk to me during our free period but I ignored him.

"Hey." I said in surprise as Tahira sat down at my table. Until today, she had always chosen to take a table alone.

"Hey." She replied and put her bag on the table before taking out a lunch box. "Hope you don't mind." She added. 

"No offence but what are you doing here?" I asked and she grimaced a bit before replying. "The people you were talking to in the morning took my table."

Sure enough, when I turned around, I saw all four of them sitting at her table. She held out a sandwich to me. "Want one?" She asked. I debated a bit before taking it.


I heard her mutter "Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim."* before she started eating. I also took a bite and let out a small moan before I could hold it back. She chuckled a bit. 

"What is this?" I asked and she swallowed before replying. "Kebab sandwich."

"This is so good! Your mum must be an amazing cook." She blushed.

"My mom didn't make the kebabs, Marcel." 

"Who did then?" I asked suddenly feeling very curious.

"Uh... me." I felt my eyes widen again and she blushed even more.

"You know, I know someone who'd marry you after tasting this." 

She laughed. "Really now?"

"I'm serious. He's a big fan of food." She just shook her head before quickly finishing her sandwich. I also finished mine a while later; wanting to savour the taste on my taste buds. There was still some time left before the next class so we decided to stay in the lunch hall until then.

I folded my arms on the table before resting my head on them. "Can I ask you something?" I asked curiously.

She nodded. I adjusted my glasses so I could get a bit comfortable. "Why don't you look at me?" I asked, giving into my curiosity for the past week.

"It's not about not looking at you, Marcel. It is said in the Quran that the believers should lower their gaze to restrain the eyes for many reasons. One being that it shows modesty of them. Secondly, it is said by our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that the eyes commit adultery, which is gazing."

"That's... nice to know." 

She smiled a little. "I think that's why they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. People can't make their eyes lie or hide their desires for things." I just nodded, deep in thought.

I didn't even notice that the boys were gaping at me the whole time.


*Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim :- In (or with) the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

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