Chapter 78

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Harry's P.O.V

"Are you ready, love?" I asked as I walked into our room just in time to see Tahira draping the scarf of her suit over her shoulders. She looked up at me and smiled

"Just give me a second." She said and adjusted it so that it covered her chest and fell till her elbows "And ready."

I walked towards her until I was just a few centimetres away from her. She looked up at me with a curious look in her eyes and I gave her a small smile "You know, I've always felt that you look even more beautiful whenever you wear your suits." I said and a blush spread across her cheeks. A chuckle escaped my lips when she looked down to avoid eye contact but I cupped her chin, forcing her to look up at me

"No more hiding. I love looking in your eyes." I whispered and a harder blush spread across her cheeks.

"We should go." Tahira whispered after clearing her throat and I chuckled again, placing a kiss on her forehead without saying anything and then I pulled away slightly

"And we will."

"He's here!"

"They finally came out!"

"Harry, what do you have to say about your outburst!?"

"Are the accusations Ms. Gareth threw at you true?"

"Why the disappearance?"

Questions greeted us from every direction as we walked out of the building. Though in a way I should have expected this, but for some reason we both were surprised when the flashes struck our eyes. My hand which was laced with Tahira's tightened as I felt her hand shake in mine and her other hand came to rest on my arm and I turned towards her. She was looking at me with a weary look

"We can go out some other day." She whispered and I shook my head "Tonight's ours. We're going no matter what. Stay close to me." I said and she hesitantly nodded

"Okay." She said and I gave her a slight smile. Her hand that rested on my arm gripped it tightly and I took it as a go signal. I started walking forward, Tahira sticking close to me as I parted through the crowd of paps and a few fans.

We thankfully reached my Range Rover without any scratches or having our clothes being pulled. I opened the passenger door for her and she gave me a small smile before getting in, pulling up the ends of her scarf in her lap and I closed the door before walking towards the drivers side.

"Which movie?" I asked as Tahira and I looked at the list of the movies which were showing. Tahira bit her lip and gave me a shy smile to which I raised an eyebrow to but then she pointed towards one of the posters. When I followed the direction of her finger, both my eyebrows raised

"Finding Dory?" (Okay, so Finding Dory is actually releasing in June 2016, but I couldn't find any other good animated films that would be releasing in April-May 2016 so just go with it)

I asked in surprise and she nodded eagerly with a shy smile while her eyes gleamed with childish excitement. My heart melted at her expression just then and for her, I fake groaned with a smile, hers widened when she realised my answer.

Within the next second, I felt myself stumble back as a body crashed into me, arms went around my neck and I instinctively wrapped my arms around Tahira's waist.

"Thank you, thank you!" She kept repeating the words and I chuckled "I've already told you. No need to thank me." I said and she pulled back a little so we were facing each other

"Yes there is. Not many people actually agree to watch animated movies on their first date." She said and I felt both my eyebrows raise in realisation

"It is our first official date, isn't it? I never thought of that before." I said and she chuckled but then suddenly a blush spread across her cheeks

"Harry, put me down." She suddenly whispered and I frowned but then saw everyone around us had stopped and were looking at us in curiosity.

"What? Never seen a married couple in love before?" I asked and everyone turned around, going back to minding their own business while I gave Tahira a cheeky grin "There. No need to put you down now." I said and she gaped at me, slapping my shoulder lightly and I laughed before putting her down.

"Now, let's go see that movie."

"You've got some sauce there." I said pointing towards the corner of my mouth and Tahira's hand flew up to her lips, wiping away the sauce and she gave me a sheepish smile.

After watching Finding Dory, we went to a restaurant as planned, but instead of going to a fancy one, we decided to go to McDonald's. And that's where we were right now, eating burgers and fries.

Once in a while, people would give us curious looks or snap a picture but we didn't pay much attention to it. Tahira took some fries from my plate and when I gave her a raised eyebrow, she showed me hers which was empty and I chuckled, pushing mine towards her which made her grin and pick it up.

In return, I took her cup of Pepsi and started sipping on the straw as mine had finished. She raised an eyebrow at me then shrugged, returning her attention back on the fries in her hand.

"Uh, Harry?"

I looked up to see a mid-teen girl greeting us. Just by her posture I knew she was nervous. Her eyes were wide as they stared at me, hands clutching her phone at her chest and a nervous smile was on her lips.

I smiled back, getting up, I gave her a side hug "Hello." I said and she smiled up at me while Tahria also got up, giving the fan a smile "Hi."

Her eyes widened more "Oh gosh. I'm not disturbing you, am I?" She asked and Tahria and I exchanged looks. I shook my head

"No, you aren't. Don't worry about it." Tahria said and she let out a relieved sigh

"Thank God. Congratulations on your marriage though!" The fan said and Tahira and I exchanged smiles

"Thanks, love." I said and she blushed slightly

"Can I have a picture with you? If you don't mind that is." She added towards Tahira and she smiled and shook her head

"Of course not." Tahira said and the fan gave a shy smile to her "I was just wondering because we heard you're possessive of Harry."

Tahira looked red then, I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. I pulled Tahira toward me and she hid her face in my chest while I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"It's just with people like her. Not fans." I said and the fan chuckled "It's alright, you know. The fans know how you feel and not many people know about this anyway." She said and Tahira pulled back slightly, giving the fan a small smile.



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No Choice || H.S.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon