Chapter 27

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                                       Harry Styles: Promised and Getting Engaged.

In a recent interview with Sugarscape, Harry Styles (19) has announced that he will be getting engaged sometime soon in the future. This news has created a massive shock in the world as fans were seen crying while they waited for Harry to come outside the studio after the interview.

Who is he promised to is still a mystery as the band member has declared that he does not want her to be exposed to the fans bad side and wants to respect her privacy. (Awe)

However, he has confessed that the girl whose house he was seen at was a friend from the school Harry was forced to attend. According to him, she was ill and that's why he was there in the first place. Though many fans didn't believe Harry at first, further inquiries have confirmed Harry's statement as according to the hospital reports, she had collapsed in the morning at her house and was rushed towards the hospital. Harry arriving with his mum soon after.

In the three months Harry has been in the small town of Cheshire, there has been a massive change seen in Harry's attitude when he was seen controlling his anger during the interview rather than lashing out like he had done in the past.

Though the question still remains is who are these mystery girls in Harry's life, the fans have taken the news a bit harder than everyone. But they are happy to see that whoever these mystery girls are, they are having a positive effect on him and the fans are happy to see a glimpse of the 'old' Harry.

There were however, many people claiming to be the future Mrs. Styles but the rumours were shot down by Harry himself who tweeted

@Harry_Styles: Stop trying to be something you're not. All the love

The tweet though could be seen as something deep, was enough to get all the future Mrs. Styles posts deleted on Twitter.

Another good news was recieved by the fans when Harry was spotted entering his fellow bandmate Louis Tomlinson's flat the evening of the interview. They were seen greeting each other happily before entering the flat. According to the source, Harry was invited to Louis' place for a get together with the rest of the One Direction members and their girlfriends.

The fans have taken it to Twitter, Facebook and Youtube to thank the mystery girls who are seen as the reason for Harry's return in the band and back in their lives as his old self.

Harry's P.O.V

"So, I was thinking that we could add a few pictures here and write around it, like they do in newspapers. What do you think?... Tahira?" I turned my head towards my left only to find myself chuckling. Tahira was sleeping.

It was lunch time and since we had to do a project in biology (we were teamed up with another guy), we decided to finish with it today in the library rather than waiting until later.

"She's been asleep since you started talking." David said.

David was our partner since there was no one else in the class left to partner up with him, the teacher decided to put him with me and Tahira.

"Has she really?" I asked and he nodded. David was an average looking lad. He had brown hair and eyes and was about 5'11. Though, he wasn't a lad with big muscles, he wasn't scrawny either.

I poked my pen on Tahira's cheek and she woke up with a start "What? What did I miss?"

 David and I chuckled "Am I really that boring?" I asked

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