Chapter 25

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Harry's P.O.V

"You're getting engaged!?" Chris asked while his eyes bulged out.

"No. Not yet." I said and shook my head a little.

"I'm getting confused." Chris said and I took a deep breath.

"I promised myself and the boys that I won't lie to the fans today. I am at the moment, promised, so I'm not single. We want to wait till she graduates school before getting engaged." I said and he nodded.p

"Did you fall in love with her in these three months you've been there?" I chuckled a bit and scratched my neck nervously.

"Not really. She's been one of the best friends I've ever had." He frowned. "I don't understand. She's your best friend and you don't love her, but you're still getting engaged?"

"Well, yes. I've been getting to know her better and she has a personality that anyone can easily love her." I said and I could tell my cheeks were red at this point. No doubt Tahira was the same at home, if she was watching this interview. Chris raised an eyebrow at me.

"You said you are promised. Have you been promised recently?" I shook my head.

"No. I've recently discovered this myself but I've been promised for the past thirteen years of my life."

"That's a bit medieval, don't you think?"

"It is... At first, even I was a bit shocked to learn it but after further discoveries, I've been reluctant to reject the idea of it. It's not like I don't have a choice in the matter. We both do and we've decided to see where it goes from now on."

Chris nodded. "What does your... mystery soon-to-be fiancée think of your past, Harry?" I smiled.

"I've been lucky in the kind of girl I got. She at first naturally didn't approve, but she gave me a chance to explain my side of the story and has been very understanding of my past."

"You are a lucky man indeed then, Harry. Now, can you tell us about your secret soon-to-be fiancée? I apologise for the broken hearts today, ladies." Chris said facing the camera and I chuckled.

"What should I say? She's one of the kindest people I've ever met, but she has a mischievous side that not many people know about. She can be playful but knows her limits and that's one thing I really like about her. And that she blushes easily. It's really a sight to see." I said grinning. I'm going to be in a lot of trouble when I get back.

"What's her name, Harry?"

"I'm not telling. I don't want her to receive hate online or when she's out in public. I respect her privacy and so should my fans."

"Why are you being secretive about the girls in your life, Harry? I think your past is enough to know you're not." I clenched my fists in anger. Now he's just getting nasty.

"My past is my past, Chris. She doesn't care about it and neither do I. So please, leave it out of the interview." I said and I knew that he knew he hit a nerve.

"Come on, Harry. You said a while ago you'll tell the truth to the fans." He smiled sweetly and I just about lost it but remembered that I should keep my promise to Tahira. She knew and even I knew that this would happen.

"I've told the truth. What you're asking is crossing the lines of someone else's privacy. And unlike some, I respect that." I said and tried relaxing my tense muscles.

"Okay." He raised his hands up in a surrendering manner.

"But Harry, if you don't mind me asking, how do you know that she's not using you for fame?" I felt my anger rise but before I could react a familiar voice shouted.

"That's enough!"

We both turned around to see Simon standing there. "Mr. Cowell... How nice of you to join us." Chris said and Simon gave him his 'no nonsense' look. "I think this interview has been prolonged enough. Harry, join me backstage, will you? Now!"

I quickly got up from my chair and walked towards him. When I passed by him I whispered a small 'Thank you.' and he aknowledged it with a small nod.

"What the hell was that, Harry!?" Simon asked as he entered the dressing room, Louise following in behind him. "The truth, Simon." I said and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Who's the girl?"

"The daughter of the man you gave the job to at Modest! on Louis' request." He pinched the bridge of his nose while Louise gaped at me. "She's the girl whose house you were seen in, isn't she?"

I nodded. "Harry, you'll have to announce that you were pranking the fans and the media. You can't get married as yet! You've just started your career!" Simon said and I quickly stood up in defence.

"I won't do that, Simon. I promised her that whatever I say today will be my final decision on the matter." I said and he glared at me before sighing. "Tell me the truth, Harry. How did this happen in the three months you've been there. Three!" He muttered at the end and I sighed.

"She's my friend. The one I've known since childhood." I started and Louise sat beside me. "The one you had a crush on?" I nodded.

"I just met her again thanks to you." I said to Simon. "She was there in the same town. And after we became friends things just spilled out one night." I summarised and Simon sat in front of me.

"You trust her?"

I nodded. "With my life." I said. (it's a bit dramatic but imagine if he actually said that to you!) Simon nodded.

"You think she's worth all this mayhem you've just caused?"

I nodded again without saying anything.


"Fine?" I asked and he nodded.

"I want to see what's about this girl, Harry.

"I want to meet her. As soon as possible."


AN: Uncle Simon to the rescue!! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

No Choice || H.S.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ