Chapter 24

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(this chapter will be pretty much Sabriel, but you don't want to skip it because their is kind of a big event happening. enjoy )


Sam's P.O.V. 

i was surprised that dean went through a whole conversation with me and gabe without making a comment about us being together or kissing or whatever

all he told us is he is getting cas a dog, which i can not wait to see castiel's face when dean gives him the dog.

"you guys can go back to making out now" dean says while walking out of the room

AND THERE IT IS!! i knew he couldn't last not saying a comment about me and gabe being together

don't get me wrong gabe's a nice guy and all, well actually hes not...but to me he is...kind of...

anyway, i will not lie, i have felt something for gabe but i have no idea what it is, i am not gay, or bi or whatever i am not even sure what any of that means 

i am so confused that for the first time in a long time i feel really really  dumb

just because i can't tell if this one boy is joking or not

'you know what WHO CARES!! just break the awkwardness!!'  i think to myself

"s-so what do you think about dean getting cas a dog?" i say to him

i can see the small blush still on his face "i think it's awesome, dean must really like cassie" 

we both just smile a little until silence filled the room, not an awkward silence, more of a comfortable silence 

until his voice broke the silence "what do you think it would be like?" he asks

"be like to what?" i ask

"to love someone as much as cassie and dean-o love eachother?" he asks

"you think it's love?" i ask tilting my head a little 

he moves over to the bed, i walk over and sit next to him, so that we are side by side on my bed again

"i mean i only can tell by the way they look at eachother, and the way they help eachother, i don't know seems like love to me, don't you think?" he says to me

"right now i'm kind of confused on love, not really a topic i'm good on, math, science, history, those things i'm good at, but love...i suck at it" i say sighing at the end 

gabe looks at me and i look at him, both of us looking into each others eyes 

"i don't think you suck at love, you just got to learn more about it" he says while looking deep into my eyes, i then realized we were a little close 

but i didn't look away i was to mesmerized by his beautiful eyes and his sweet voice 'what am i saying?' i ask myself

i still didn't pull away when i asked "how?" is almost a whisper, both of us leaning closer and closer until our lips were almost inches apart

 i can feel his hot breath on my lips when he says "i'll show you" 

both of us slowly inch forward until our lips softly touch, 

i hesitate a little then kiss him very very  gently 

but when he kissed back i felt a spark and something warm in the pit of my stomach

that's when i panicked, i pulled back eyes wide and heart beating 

"what?" he asked as if this was normal, to kiss your best friend 

this only made me more confused "i-i'm sorry gabe, but i need to be alone right now" i say as i walk over to the door and open it motioning him to get out 

he took the hint and walked out with his head hanging low and a hurt expression on his face

i have never felt so bad in my life, i wish i could just pull him back and give him a big hug and tell him everything's going to be ok

but i couldn't, i was right i needed to be alone right now, and there is no way i could think with him here

 i was so confused...what the hell just happened...what the hell did i just feel

that's it, i need to talk to someone about this? charlie, no she only knows things about gay girls, right?

what about dean? NO he will just have something else to hang over my head, plus i'm sure hes just as new to this feeling as i am

what about cas? yeah, i could talk to cas, hes nice enough to help, and he has been gay for a while, i could ask him to help. 

i will tonight, now i just have to be locked in my room until then 

Dean's P.O.V. 

*knock knock knock* 

"Sammy!! cas, charlie, and i are going to the movies do you want to come?" i ask sam 

i hear a slight 'no' come from in his room

that's weird sammy loves going to the movies, i smile a little thinking i know what will make him come out 

"gabe is going!!" i yell to sam 

he opens the door a little bit "dean..." i look down at his face, it looks so sad, so broken, i have never seen him like this before, at least not since our dad hit me for the first time

don't think about that right now

"sammy, what's wrong?" i ask him 

"dean, can castiel stay here?" he asks me 

"what? cas? why? we don't have to go to the movies, are you sick?" i ask kneeling down so i could look into his eyes

"no dean, you guys go, i want to talk to cas, please?" he asks, his voice pleading to me

"why sammy is everything ok?" i ask, i wanted to know why he wanted cas

"please dean, i just want to talk to cas, i will explain later, ok?" he says almost on the verge of tears

i hug him softly "ok sammy, i will go get him" he nods his head and closes the door

i jog downstairs where everyone is sitting on the couch waiting to go 

i walk over to cas, "cas, can i talk to you for a second" he nods his head a little worryingly,

 he must have seen the worried expression on my face, which is true i am worried for sammy, he never acts like this 

"what's wrong dean?" he asks looking into my eyes

"sam said he wants us to go to the movies but he wants you to stay with him, he said he wants to talk to you, he was crying, i could tell cas" i say rubbing the back of my neck worryingly

he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers "hey" he says while stepping closer to me still looking into my eyes 

"everything will be ok, i will stay, you guys go and have fun, spend some quality time with charlie, and give gabe some candy, and everything will be alright, ok?" 

i nod my head and kiss his cheek "i like you" i say while smiling 

he chuckles a little and smiles with me and says "i like you too" 

we walk out hand in hand and explain to charlie and gabe that sam's not feeling well so cas is staying

 they agreed and i gave cas one last kiss goodbye, then we left for the movies

although i couldn't help but notice how sad gabe looked

it was like the same sad, broken, face that sam had


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