Chapter 11

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Dean's P.O.V.

We waited for about an hour with little updates on what was happening with cas. Gabe was pretty upset, he sat next down with sam hugging him telling him everything is going to be alright. i felt bad for him, i wished their was something i could do, something i could say, but i couldn't think of anything.

I finally just told him the first thing that i could think of "gabe?" i asked him he looked up from sam's hold, his eyes were red and puffy from crying, "i'm sorry" was all i could say, for a second i felt like i could feel the exact pain that gabe felt just from looking at him.

i don't know why, i know i did not know cas that well, but their was something about him that i could not explain and it made me angry for not being able to figure it out and a little sad at the same time, but in that moment all i felt like i could feel was the sadness and the pain from gabe.

i could feel a lump in my throat and tears threatening to spill from my eyes, but i pushed it down, i knew it wouldn't help gabe calm down in this situation.

To be honest i knew how he felt, i would be the same way if sammy was in the hospital.

i snapped out of my thoughts when gabe got up and walked over to me. i looked into his eyes and i saw the hurt he felt, but their was something else, i couldn't figure it out. "dean..." he started

"don't you dare say sorry, you are the one that saved him, that saved me...without you, castiel might not even be alive right now"

i was a little taken aback at what gabe said, i could tell he was not done so i just nodded my head. "also, dean...umm..." he said while clearing his throat "what?" i asked him

he looked at me with a little smirk "well, i don't know if i should tell you this but...castiel likes you, like a lot, i can tell by the way he looks at you, and if he tries to push you away just pull him closer, that's just what he does, he does not want to drag anyone down into our broken family, as you can see now "

he chuckled a little but i could tell it was a little fake, i could see now why castiel thinks of gabe as such a good brother.

i nodded at him again and gave him a small smile "thank you dean, and just so you know i'm ok with you dating by brother" he said while winking at me, he laughed a little, i could tell this time it was not fake and i laughed a little with him.

I looked over at sam (who was starting to fall asleep in his chair) and back at gabe with a little smirk on my face he looked back at sam and back at me with a small blush on his face, i whispered to him so only he could hear me "and i'm ok with you dating my brother" he looked at me a little shocked, i nodded my head with a smirk still on my face. "don't worry gabe, my lips are sealed" i said while pretending to zip my lips and locking it then throwing away the key.

he smiled at me and gave me a hug " thanks dean...for everything" i hugged him back and pulled away.

he looked at me and said "you know their is a jar of lollipops on the secretary's desk over their" he motioned over to the front desk and looked back at me with puppy dog eyes.

i smiled and shook my head a little "go nuts" i said to him, he smiled big and sneaked over to the front desk and as the lady was not looking grabbed the jar and ran back to me and opened the jar, quickly putting a candy in his mouth he motioned the jar towards me asking if i wanted one, i shook my head and he said "your loss"

i chuckled and i looked over at sam, he was sitting in the chair looking very uncomfortable, so i told gabe to watch him real quick and he nodded his head.

Destiel (Highschool AU) I Like You...a LotOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora