Chapter 10

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Castiel's P.O.V.

All i could hear was the ringing in my ear and the faint yelling voice coming from my uncle i was on the floor and i could see my blood around me.

he kicks me in the face and i could see little black dots forming in my vision, i tried to scoot away but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back, he bent down on his hands and knees and punched me in the face, hard.

i cried out in pain and i heard him say to me "you little faggot!!!" he punched me in the stomach "i saw you and that stupid Winchester boy, you really think i wouldn't notice!!!" he stood up and kicked me in the face again "i did not raise you to be such a disgrace!!!"

when he kicked me in the ribs i heard a loud crack, i could barely see and my whole body felt like it was going numb, "your going to burn in hell for what you've done!!!" he kicked me again.

normally he would just leave a few bruises on my face and stomach but this time was different, he wouldn't stop he just kept hurting me and i was scared that this would be the last beating ever, that i would not be able to get out of this one,i could feel myself crying, i closed my eyes not expecting to open them ever again,

but all of the sudden it was quiet 'is he done?' i thought to myself i opened my eyes and saw dean punching my uncle, and throwing him away from me, my vision was fading again and the last thing i remember was gabe holding my head crying then i blacked out.

Dean's P.O.V.

"hey guys" i said to my friends who were sitting at our regular table, i did not have a lot of friends in this school except for Joanna but we all just call her Jo, Benny, and Kevin, and of course Cas. they all knew that i liked cas, and they excepted me, they were my true friends and i was happy to have them. i sat down with them and about five minutes later i feel a tap on my shoulder, i turn around and sammy looking at me with a worried look and his phone to his ear "sorry to bother you dean" he said a little shy, i smiled at him "it's fine, what's up sammy?" i asked he gave me the phone and said "gabe needs to talk to you, it's important" i put the phone to my ear "hello?" i asked gabe was whispering loud into the phone frantically telling me that cas is hurt and he was freaking out.

i told him to calm down and that i was going to bring sam and we would be over there as fast as we could. i quickly hung up and grabbed sam's arm, i turned back to my friends " i gotta go, bye!!" i pulled sam out of the lunchroom and before we were out of the room i heard benny chuckling and jo saying "go get your boyfriend dean-o!!" with kevin laughing with them. i would have laughed but my mind was racing 'what the hell happened to cas, i swear if that son of a bitch hurt him i will kill him!!'

we drove and i told sammy everything in the car to catch him up, we had a plan "ok, i will take care of cas and his uncle, i want you to go upstairs and find gabe and make sure hes ok, got it?" sam nodded

when we got their we both jumped out of the car and i tried to open their front door but it was locked, i suddenly heard voices from inside, i listened a little more and heard someone say "faggot" that was enough for me, i turned to sam "back up" i told him in a stern voice sam did as he was told and i kicked the door open.

immediately i smelt the familiar smell of alcohol, i saw cas laying on the floor with blood all around him, his face was all bruised up and bloody, he didn't even look like cas.

he was holding his stomach, shaking and crying. i looked at his uncle who was obviously drunk. i heard sam run upstairs. his uncle stopped what he was doing as soon as the door broke open, but he must have been pretty drunk because he just stood there wobbling surprised for a little bit.

then he yelled at me "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" i kept my distance from him a little but started slowly walking towards cas.

"just leave him alone" i told him in a serious voice i wanted to yell at him and hurt him, for what he did to cas but i felt like that wouldn't help the situation right now 

all i could get out was "leave.him.alone." but his uncle wouldn't listen he just kept yelling at me "YOU STUPID FAGGOT YOUR THE ONE WHO MADE CASTIEL A DISGRACE!!!"

i just kept looking him in the eye and slowly walking towards cas, until he was laying right by my feet, but before i could do anything, i see gabe behind his uncle, i also see sam on the foot of the top stairs trying to get gabe to come back, but gabe was not budging.

then his uncle turned around "gabriel, get out of here before you end up like castiel" but gabe stood his ground and looked his uncle right in the eye and said "u-uncle urial, i-i am done with y-you hurting c-castiel, i-it is wrong and you s-should stop!" gabe said half confidently

that just made their uncle even more mad, he tried to lunge at gabriel but i was quicker then him i punched him in the face, making him fall on his butt, i yelled at gabe "get sammy and go to the car, i will get cas!!"

gabe nodded and sam ran down the stairs and ran out the door but gabe ran towards cas with tears in his eyes, he held cas's head and cried, sam stood by the door and tried to get gabe to come with him but gabe wouldn't go.

his uncle got up while they ran "like hell your getting castiel, i'm not through with his punishment yet!!" he told me in an evil voice

he tried to come at me but i dodged him and grabbed his collar and threw him away from gabe and castiel and while he was on the ground i quickly went by gabe and told him to go to the car with sam,

he listened and ran out crying. i picked up cas quickly holding him bridal style so his face was tucked into my chest.

by the time i got cas in the car and started the car his uncle came running out with his fist in the air screaming "YOU FAGGOTS DON'T YOU EVER COME BACK TO THIS HOUSE, OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!"

and with that i drove off, i pulled over a couple miles away, just to make sure everyone was ok, i turned around to gabe who was holding cas's head in his lap "how is he?" i asked him

he was still crying but he said while stuttering a little "he is still breathing, b-but i think s-somethings wrong, we need t-to get him to a hospital" i nodded my head and drove as fast as i could to the nearest hospital which thank god was only a couple miles away.

when we got their i carried cas inside (the same way i did when i carried him to the car) and walked in and screamed for help, with gabe and sam right behind me, right away their were nurses coming at me and they took cas and rolled him in a room.

i tried to follow them but another nurse stopped me and asked me "what is you relation to the patient?" sam spoke up first "i am a good friend" then gabe spoke up "i am his little brother" then they both looked at me and i did not really know what to say, so i just said what first popped into my mind "i am his boyfriend"

i smiled a little nervously, the nurse looked a little surprised but then nodded her head "ok well your going to have to wait in the waiting room until hes aloud to have visitors" we all nodded our head and waited in the waiting room.

AUTHORS NOTE: sorry i screwed up chapter 9 but i think i fixed it, sorry if it's confusing. Anyway comment what you think :)

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