Chapter 6

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey sorry i have not updated in a while my finals for school are this week and next, but then SUMMER!!! YAY!!! and their was also the supernatural season finale yesterday, so anyway i will try to update as much as i can :)

btw *child abuse* in this chapter.

Dean's P.O.V.

We drove for a little while and i did not know exactly where we were but i was not entirely lost, i knew how to get back, i just don't know what we're going to find, soon we were in a forest.

The whole way their we asked eachother questions, because to be honest i knew barely anything about this guy, but i was determined to know him more. "where are you from?" he asked me i answered quickly "Lawrence, Kansas, you?" he answered back "Pontiac, Illinois, why did you move here?" i told him how our dad moves around a lot, and that soon i will be 18 and will be able to take care of sammy on my own. he nodded his head "are you going to stay i this town?" i grinned at what he said while still looking at the dirt road we were on "why? would you miss me?" i said in a sarcastic tone, i don't think he knew i was kidding because i saw his face all red and he was laughing kind of awkwardly "n-no.." he said, i felt a little sad hearing it but i played it cool by making a fake sad face at him and saying "ouch" i grinned at him and his face turned even more red (if that was even possible at this point). "n-no!! t-that's not what i meant, i-i m-meant that i will, b-because your my only f-friend." he stuttered i smiled at him as he looked away from me i knew that he did not want to say that, even though a part of me knew it was true. he looked back at me and i was still smiling, i felt bad, i knew he was embarrassed so i spoke up, so he would't have to. "well maybe i will stay in this town, how else am i going to kick crowley's ass huh?" i nudged his arm and laughed to try and make him not embarrassed anymore. he laughed with me and i added "besides it really depends if sammy likes this town, he the one i want to keep happy." he nodded his head and after a little moment of silence he asked me "what's your family like? like your mom and your dad?" i stopped smiling as soon as i thought of my mom, i tried so he would't notice but to my luck he did "u-um sorry" he said "i didn't mean to be rude" i looked at him, then back at the dirt road in front of me, i trust castiel, i have no idea why, but i knew one thing, if he wanted to trust me i was going to have to trust him. "no it's fine, my uh- my mom died when sammy was 6 months old in a house fire, and my dad is a drunk asshole who left me to take care of sammy when our mom died and he dragged us across the country, not caring what we had to say about it." i breathed out a breath i didn't even know i was holding. i have never told anyone that before, i didn't think i needed to tell anyone, but for some reason i felt relieved knowing that someone else in the world knows what i go through, although i did not tell him about the bruises and cuts that i hide from my dad beating me, and the scars that i hide that are story for another time) All of the emotions were coming up in one moment and i thought i was going to cry. i kept my eyes directly on the dirt road and did not look anywhere near cas because i knew he would see the tears starting to form in my eyes and thought to myself 'don't cry in front of cas, do you hear me? don't cry!! you idiot!! DON'T CRY!!!' i heard his voice and thanked god that he is the one who broke the silence because i knew if i did he would hear my voice crack from almost crying. "dean...i'm so sorry, you didn't have to tell me that" i looked at him while he was looking back at me i faked a small smile and said "sorry for ruining the moment" i laughed a fake laugh and he smiled a little with me, but i think he knew it was fake. "would you like to hear about my family?" he asked me. i'm not going to lie i was curious but i felt bad, i just told him about my family now he thinks that he HAS to tell about his family so i told him "sure, but you don't have to just because i talked about mine" he shook his head "no it's ok i don't mind telling you , i mean you are kind of my only friend, as pathetic as that sounds." i smile and laugh a little while still looking at the dirt road ahead of me, he tells me about his family, and how his Uncle does not know that hes am gay, and that the only one who knows is his brother and sister, gabe and anna. he took a deep breath and looked at him, i looked at him and thought to myself 'it must have taken a lot to say that, i am happy that i am the one he shared that with' i smiled at looked back at the road and stopped the car immediately and said excitingly "we're here!! look!!" we looked around and gasped in aw. their was a beautiful pond surrounded by trees and one big willow tree by it, with blossom flowers blowing in the wind. it was so peaceful "hey dean?" i turned and looked at him "i know you found this place first, but could i go here if i ever need to think? the janitors closet gets kind of cramped sometimes." he grinned a little bit "cas, this is not my place, i had no idea this was here, i just saw a forest...of course you can come here, this will be OUR place, only we can come here to think ok? nobody else" he smiled big and my stomach flipped a little (in a good way). i knew what i said sounded stupid but i have always wanted a place to escape to and not be in the house and this was the perfect place, and now i have someone to escape with "ok dean" he said "our place" we both smiled at eachother for a little bit, ten we both started walking to the willow tree and we both sat under it. it was quiet, but in a good way, neither of us wanted to ruin the peaceful moment. 'i think i'm going to like it in this town' i thought to myself

Later that day we both realized it was getting dark and i drove us both back to the school. i was panicking, a little, because of the time, me and cas lost complete track of time we barely said anything to eachother, we just sat their enjoying the peace, i close my eyes for what felt like 10 minutes, was actually a couple hours, cas was calling my name to wake up and i panicked a little seeing that it was dark out. "shit! i forgot about sammy!!" i said in a panicked voice. "dean, it is ok i texted gabe, he said him and sam were hanging out in the library, and are waiting for us now." i sighed in relief.

when we got to the school sam and gabe were waiting by the front doors, sam looked at me with a grin on his face "what were you guys doing?" sam said sarcastically gabe laughed and added "yeeeaaahh, were you guys making out?" putting emphasis on the words 'making out' i looked at them with a 'i'm going to kill you later' face,"shut-up" i said. i looked over at cas who was looking at the ground blushing 'don't think that way, don't think that way' i kept repeating over and over to myself.

later i took cas and gabe home and me and sam headed home, we were talking about school laughing at something funny that happened to sam when we pulled into our driveway and both of our smiles disappeared, we saw the lights on in the house and a car in the driveway, john was home...

"sammy" i said while still looking at the house "when you get in the house go straight to your room, got it?" sam looked at me with terror in his eyes "but dean what if he-" i cut him off "sammy!! don't argue with me on this, you know hes probably drunk, and you know what will happen if your near him, i will help him go to sleep and you stay in your room and do your homework, ok?" sam sighed and looked at the house again "ok?" i repeated "ok" he said "but when hes asleep or gone or whatever, come to my room, ok?" he said, i nodded and we both got out of the car. sam opened the door and just as i thought, john was drunk, i could smell the alcohol, and i saw him sprawled out on the couch "where the hell have you been!?!?" john yelled i motioned sam to go upstairs and he ran up the stairs looking back at me with worried eyes when he got to the top i pointed to his room and he ran to his room and i heard the door lock. i stepped towards the drunk man and he stood up and wobbled back and forth a bit. i grabbed his arm so he wouldn't fall he slapped my face hard "don't fucking touch me!!" he yelled at me "where the hell were you?!?" he yelled i didn't look at him and said "i was out with a friend and i lost track of time, when we went to pick sam and his little brother-" he cut me off "HIS?!?! you were with a boy?!?" he said with complete rage in his voice i nodded my head slowly "yes sir" i said he came closer to me "I did not raise my son to be a faggot!!" my stomach flipped (in a bad way) at that nasty word, i turned and looked at him "NO SIR!! hes just a friend!!" i yelled at him back he punched me in the face i fell to the ground and i knew their was going to be a bruise tomorrow. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE EVER, YELL AT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN, DO YOU HEAR ME!?!?!?!" he kicked my stomach and i felt a few more punches to my face "and i don't EVER want to hear about this boy again, understand?" i nodded my head and managed to get out a quiet "yes sir" i heard glass break and he left out the door after that, and left me on the floor all bloody and weak.

next thing i knew i was trying to get up but i couldn't their was a sharp pain in my left leg when i looked down at it i saw broken glass in my left thigh and i also noticed the broken glass all around me, i did not even know that he did that, now i know why i heard broken glass. i tried to yell for sammy but it came out as more of a screaming whisper but he heard me anyway, he must have been listening. he raced down stairs and looked at my leg "dean, we need to get you to a hospital" i shook my head "n-no sammy" he looked at me with a puppy dog face "NO!!" i said kind of harsh but he knew i did not mean it, "you need stitches dean...WAIT!! i have an idea" he ran out of the room and came back 5 minutes later "ok dean i took your phone and called cas, hes on his way, i did not know who else to call" dean started to panic 'no' he thought 'he will know, he will hate me' and i started having a panic attack and since i was loosing blood i passed out.

when i woke up i was in my bed and i heard a familiar voice "dean?"

2nd AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ok the next chapter will be updated hopefully soon, comment what you think about the story so far :) thanks for reading this far!!

Destiel (Highschool AU) I Like You...a LotWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt