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I woke up on a couch with a killer headache. I looked around frantically, I wasn't able to recognize my surroundings. I couldn't even remember what went down after running away. A pick-up truck. A sweet, soft voice came out of the darkness of the truck, she asked me something and I stupidly entered that fucking truck.

As I tried to connect last night's events together, a figure walked into the kitchen near the living room with a bath towel wrapped its body. A light and sweet voice swept through a dead room quietly singing a unfamiliar tune. I got up and nervously walked to the kitchen. A small creak in the floors immediately stopped the humming. The person turned around. My mind somehow recognized the face of that person, but I couldn't put my finger on where I saw it.

She chuckled to herself, "I'm so sorry you had to see me like this, I should have slipped on a robe or some t-shirt."

I nodded, awkwardly chuckling along. I didn't want seem rude by asking who she is. "I'll be going to the bathroom now." She nodded and lifted a steaming mug to her lips. I stumbled through a  long hallway, looking each room for the bathroom. I finally found the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit, my makeup was completely smudged and there was a dried trail of saliva across my face. I felt embarrassed that that stranger had to see me like this. I picked up the soap from her shower and gave my face a good washing before emerging out of the bathroom to face that girl again.

"What a night huh? That party was pretty crazy." The girl's voice could be heard from the kitchen. I agreed as I sat on the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Need some coffee?" The girl offered. I shook my head, I barely focused on what she said until she said something about a chocolate fountain. I felt like Sherlock, finding the last piece in my puzzle. She was a girl I met at the party, she was wasted and drank out of the fountain, we danced and explored the house. I'm pretty sure we passed out in one of the bedrooms together at some point. "Ronnie?" I exclaimed, groaning as the pain from my headache pounded from that reaction.

"Veronica, but yes Ronnie works too." She turned around to search the fridge. "So you drove me here?" I asked.

"Yup. You were crying too, something about the chocolate fountain." She laughed, I didn't join in. I remember exactly what I was crying about. I felt so idiotic, my cheeks flamed in guilt. I remember the angry texts Chloe sent me. I hid my face with my hands and groaned. "Right."

Ronnie laid a hand on my back. "You alright Sky?" I nodded, "My head's killing me, it has never hurt so bad." I lied and Ronnie paid my back. "I'll grab you something." I heard some rattling and looked up to see Ronnie with a pill bottle. "Just Advil in here." She handed the bottle and filled up a glass of water. After a while I decide it was best to head home and get some more rest and Ronnie agreed and took me to Eunji's apartment.

There, I met Chloe and Eunji in the living room, watching television. They both looked at me, Eunji gave me a small smile while Chloe looked at me as if she was looking through a window. "Hey Skyler, how was your mom? Did you guys have a good night?" I nodded to Eunji's questions and looked to Chloe.

"Could we chat Chloe?"

Chloe got up with no words and walked to Eunji's room leaving me behind. Eunji shrugged and went back to watching TV. I followed Chloe's steps and closed the door behind me. I leaned on the door, looking at Chloe. She sat on the bed with her arms crossed.

"I'm sorry Chloe. I was drunk and jealous. I am still a little upset about the break up. It's kinda hard to see my ex, not too long after the break up, grind on another guy while I'm not too far away." Chloe remained expressionless as I babbled. "After that chat, I realized that I am an asshole, shit like this goes down sometimes and I have to live with it. You don't wanna date me? I totally understand that now Chloe. Instead of taking my anger out on you, I'll talk to Eunji or a therapist or something. I just don't wanna hurt you or your boyfriend in any way. Nate didn't do anything, you were following your mother's orders. I understand." We sat in silence and Chloe got up close to me.

Chloe pulled me into a hug.

"I forgive you."

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