Chapter 4

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Rhett didn't want to tell his wife about how he kissed Link when he got home. His wife would kill him.
Rhett imagined his wife calling him gay, packing up hastily and leaving the house with the kids.
Nope. Not something he wanted.
He still loved his wife, though. His straight side chose his wife. His gay side chose Link. Yeah, that would work. He sat down for dinner thinking about his best friend, that first kiss, the first time he's ever felt that feeling towards Link. And that dream.
He didn't even know how his mind came up with such a dream, how it just became so capable of imagining these amazing fantasies, how it suddenly had the ability to fabricate stories and thoughts he would love.
He was jerked back into reality when Locke started shaking him violently.
"What? What is what?"
"Bandage." Locke demanded.
"Oh, uh, car accident." Rhett picked up his fork and started eating his noodles, now cold because he took such a long time to eat them.
After dinner he went to bed.
And in bed, the fantasies began again.
Link's head next to his, warm hugs, kisses, cuddling up in a sofa, him stroking Link's hair gently and...
No, no, no. Rhett couldn't just cheat on his wife like that.
But that thought really striked him. He didn't know.
Confused, he fell asleep and let his dreams decide.

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