Separation and Healing

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I'm sorry yoongi, i need to do this”

Listen to me yoongi.
I have feelings for you. Idk if you have feelings for me. But if you do, I'm telling you ...
Let's stop having feelings for each other

He tightened his grip around yg's hands...

Atleast for now we should


Jm:Don't worry, this doesn't mean the end. We'll still continue to be friends.. Best friends for that matter...
I need to get myself together.. Hope you understand...

Jm gets up from the bench. He looks back at yg who's trying his best not to break into tears...
Jm takes a deep breath, as he lastly says to yg.

Yg i really want to face my fears, i really do

Yg even tho, on the edge of crying, still carefully listens to jm.

“Will you wait for me yoongi? Will you give me the chance to come back to you when I'm ready?”

Yg, with his tear filled eyes, looks up at jm.
Unable to say anything, he just nods at him, Still placing a smile on his face with the last bit of strength left in him.

With that, jm starts to walk away. A few seconds later, yg grabs jm's arm from behind. He makes him turn around as he pulled him into a tight hug and breaks into tears.

Yg: (in a shaky voice)
Jm.. I'll wait for you... Just please don't leave me.. For forever...
I'll wait.. I'll wait for as long as it takes..

Jm, now also sobbing replies to him,

I won't leave you for eternity...
Yoongi.... I could never do that.. To you and to myself

Jm makes eye contact with yg

Please let me heal myself first okay? You believe in me, right?
I'll come back to you.. I promise.
I promise yoongi I'll be back..

Yg:You really will?
He looks at jm with puppy eyes
You're not lying?

Jm cups yg's face and looks him in the eye with reassurance
Jm:Have faith in me, huh?
Now please stop crying. It'll only make this harder for both of us...

It started raining..
Jm pulls away from yg and runs off because of the rain.

Jm:“Take care yoongi”

Jm runs aimlessly through the rainy streets, his heart heavy with guilt and uncertainty

Jm runs aimlessly through the rainy streets, his heart heavy with guilt and uncertainty

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The rain pours down, mirroring the storm raging inside him.
He stops at a street corner, his hands clenched into fists as he fights back his tears.
The ache in his heart is unbearable, a reminder of the pain he has caused.

MY DEAR LOVE:"A Serendipity's Embrace" |Yoonmin Ff|Where stories live. Discover now