Nurturing admiration

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In the last part we saw,
Yg:he looks so content, so peaceful. Maybe it's just friendship, but is there something more? Am i overthinking this?

Torn between the comfort of their friendship and the unexpected feelings that surged inside yg, he couldn't help but contemplate the complexity of his situation.

Should i risk our friendship for something more?
No no no- i can't do that. What if I'm just reading too much into the moment?

As yg sat there, he sensed jm waking up

Jm: yawns
When did i fall asleep?
Yg, still admiring jm, replies to him
Dont worry about that

Yg:are you feeling better? Then we can head home
Jm:my chest feels a lot lighter. I feel so much better.

Yg:I'm glad you do. And yeah dw about falling asleep. You being safe, and sound and better is all that matters rn.
Now stand up so that i can drop you off and you can rest at home more comfortably.

Yg turns around and starts walking away when jm grabs his hand and pulls him back
Yg:what is it?

Jm pulls him into a hug
Yg pats jm's back

Jm:i just wanted to vanish and i don't know what would've happened if you didn't sit with me at the bench today
Yg:hey it's okay

Yg hugs him back as he feels his heart race once again

Jm:okay let's go now

They both reach their homes . Jimin falls asleep peacefully but on the other hand, the storm of feelings inside yg's chest made him rethink of what had happened today.
Jm falling asleep on his shoulder,
His smile, his hug... Everything flashed right in front of yg's eyes.
He just laid there in his bed staring at the ceiling while drowning in his own thoughts..
After a long time, he finally drifted to sleep

Next day

Jm and tae, as always head to the cafeteria together where they spot yg. Jm, out of excitement greets him and tae us surprised at this behavior of jm.

Tae:jm tell me what u want and I'll get it for u
Jm:just my usual.. And maybe an iced coffee

Tae:woah what's the coffee for? You never order it
Jm:i slept yawns too much last night
That's why i am feeling sleepy yawns again

A faint smile crept on yg's lips as he heard this

Tae:oh i see.. Okay.. Anything for u hyung?
Yy:no thanks.. I am actually almost done with my food

As tae leaves yg turns to jm and says
I'm glad you rested well
Jm: i should thank you. For putting up with me last night. And for the other times you've had to
Yg:shhh don't mention it.. I'm proud of you for letting your walls down.
And I'm also thankful to you for letting me thru and trusting in me with your secrets.

Jm:there's more to it but I'll tell you when it's time
Yg:I'll be here to listen whenever you're ready to tell me

Tae waits for the food at the counter as he sees the two talking. He whispers to himself
"Awh they look cute"

Tae:Here's your food sir!
Jm:Well thankyou.

They both burst into laughter as yg looked at them with pure admiration. Seeing how their inner child comes out when they're with each other.

MY DEAR LOVE:"A Serendipity's Embrace" |Yoonmin Ff|Where stories live. Discover now